An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

not yet, one minor thing to fix and I’ll send all testers a beta version

Sounds good, thanks!

thank you
Looking forward to your good news

I’m sending download links to those who asked, if I forgot someone please send me a reminder PM

This is the layout of the test version:


Cheat sheet:

  • long press [MDL] to enter configuration menu
  • short press [SYS] to toggle min/max value display
  • short press [ENTER] (encoder button) to cycle voltage sources
  • encoder up/down to display mavlink messages

When reporting back success or failure a short video of the script running is usually helpfull, I do not own an Horus so the more feedback I get the better!

EDIT: Please use PM so I can track the feedback better!

EDIT 2: Beta testing is focused on functionality, cosmetic and/or color scheme changes will be addressed once the engine is proofed and functioning

thank you all.

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Can someone explain the relationship between Craft and Theory and this project? I get they both use FrSky Passthrough from Ardupilot, but why would CT be asking for script changes?

Can someone explain the relationship between Craft and Theory and this project? I get they both use FrSky Passthrough from Ardupilot, but why would CT be asking for script changes?

Hi, there’s a thread that explains it all

Yes, the bastard is me .

Grazie ancora alex !

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Hi Alex
How is the progress with the Horus version? I received few days ago my Horus 10. I would like to try out your testing script too.

Hi Fred,
yes the Horus script is evolving, I sent you a test version



Hi all,
I’m adding a vertical vario indicator on left side of the hud


The scale is logarithmic with 10 m/s as full scale, so even small changes around 0 get detected, I have no experience with planes so what is a reasonable full scale value?


I think 10m/s is a fair number, but some high-performance would need 20-30m/s. It would be nice to see some hash marks or something to quantify that rate of ascent/descent (especially since it’s not a traditional linear scale).

Are you from Milan? Your new designs are getting better everytime, so you must be at a fashion/trendy city :slight_smile:

great work :slight_smile:

yeah, italian design LOL
thanks Luis, there’s nothing like support and appreciation!

…there’s also a new Horus version almost ready



That almost makes me want to get a Horus. :grinning:

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Many thanks for this magic script !!
I got it working today with : Pixhawk 3 Pro, C&T cable, X6R, Taranis X9E.

Thanks Yves, glad it worked for you!

In my opinion for planes , battery is less important than with copter while Gps speed, Airspeed , baro alt and another Alt , Lidar or Gps Alt are the informations I would like to have .

Gps speed and Airspeed give you an information about how much wind you are flying

Lidar or Gps alt gives you an idea how much your baro is wrong.

Hi Luca,
the protocol designed by C&T does not send raw sensor values but rather the EKF fused ones, so for instance altitude is nor baro neither GPS altitude it’s the EKF altitude calculated by fusing baro, gps, imus, etc

Airspeed and ground speed are different.

If the user configures an airspeed sensor in missionplanner then the speed reported by the telemetry protocol is airspeed otherwise it would be GPS ground speed.

It’s not be possible from the telemetry stream to automatically detect the airspeed sensor presence but I could add a menu item to declare it.
Once enabled the reported gps coordinates could be used to calculate the average ground speed in the last 2 seconds (with a big approximation since gps coords are reported at 0.5Hz) this way I’d be able to display both airspeed and ground speed.
I could also display a trip distance estimate with the same technique.

Anything else would require an extension of the current protocol implementation.


Thanks for your reply !

You are right baro altitude is not available with passthrough protocol .
Altitude from Home so the Ek2 altitude but also the range finder altitude and GPS altitude are all available.
Altitude from home and Range Finder altitude would be very interesting to have IMO.

Both ground speed and Airspeed seems to be both available .
A menu to declare the airspeed sensor availability would be great.

P.s. C&T as far as I know did not design the passthrough telemetry protocol, they design a Frsky app.

Hi Luca,
this is gettting interesting :slight_smile:

Altitude from Home so the Ek2 altitude but also the range finder altitude and GPS altitude are all available.

The problem with GPS altitude is that is absolute.

I could probably detect a GPS reference altitude at takeoff and use it to show relative GPS altitude from home

EDIT: this would not work see

and you’re right there’s a rangefinder value, already parsed by the script, ROTATION_PITCH_270 should be the projection pointing down. I can sure find a place for it and display it!
If you have a rangefinder fitted I’ll have you as a tester for I don’t have one yet!

Both ground speed and Airspeed seems to be both available .

docs here are misleading, should be specified that is either one or the other…