An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

Hey Alex, thanks for the great work.

I’ve installed yaapu on my x7 running the latest openTX. On my quad I have an R-XSR with the s.port connected to the frsky in and out ports (serial 4) on my mRo control zero running 4.0.4dev. I followed the yaapu instructions and ardupilot wiki for frsky passthrough. I’ve done this before with flight deck and a cube without issue.
I can get the x7 to display the yaapu script but it says “no telemetry”. My radio is bound. Am I missing anything?

I don’t have that board and it’s not clear from the docs wheter the dedicated frsky port has builtin inversion and halfduplex like the pixracer (you might have to check the board schematic), if that’s the case than your wiring is correct, both rx4 and tx4 connected to the r-xsr sport pin and a simple SERIAL4_PROTOCOL = 10.
Or since it’s an F7 it should work using a single wire from any serial TX pin to the r-xsr sport (inverted) pin using:

To check is passthrough is working try a sensor discovery and verify that (only) GPS is there, if not passthrough is not working.

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Setting SERIALn_OPTIONS to 7 made it work :slight_smile:

good, the they call it “frsky port” but it’s a simple uart with no additional hardware :slight_smile:

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Hi Alex , thanks for the answer.
I’m using fport connection
OpenTx v.2.3.5
XSR , for sure is not the last , the last update has been in 2019
Ardupilot copter stable 4.0.3
Widget 1.8.1
Anyway i also tested with the taranis plus X9D , the perfomace is a little better.
The delay is not constant. Usally i receive the flight mode changed in delay (500ms-2s). The HUD is 500ms-1sec. I have one Telem1 connect to Raspberry (APsync) (926100 brate)
Could be a problem to have more then one serial used in mavlink comunication ?
I have Telem2 connect wih a openmv cam (Oflow) in serial , but now is disabled.(115200 brate)
Two rangefinder are connected in I2C bus.

I flashed my X9D+SE 2019 and R-XSR with the new ACCESS 2.1.0 firmware.
I could not get Taranis 1.8.0 script to work with new 2.1.0 firmware … “No telemetry”.
Flashed back the old firmware and yaapu telemetry is working again.
Any ideas?

Alex quick observation. I am using 2 battery sensors. Batt and Batt2

Batt is a current sensor
Batt2 is blheli_32 escs

On my Horus x10s the display shows the aggregate current being used. If the current sensors records 20 amps and the BlHeli ESCs record 18 amps, the display on the receiver says 38 amps are in use.

Have you seen this?

Hi, that’s expected when you have 2 batteries in parallel, what would you like to be reported as current if not 1 + 2?

I do have an X9D plus 2019 but haven’t updated yet to ACCESS/ACCST 2.1.x yet, wild guess: firmware bug?
Did you try both sport and fport just in case?


Maybe I didn’t explain it right.

I have two battery monitors set up.

Batt1 monitor is using the CUAV current/voltage sensor
Batt2 monitor is set up for BLHeli_32 ESC

Params here:


So 1 battery but two monitoring circuits.

Does that make a little more sense? Sorry if my first message was not clear

I just updated the firmware. Didn’t change anything else. So I guess it is sport.
Still using OpenTX 2.3.4 btw.

ok, try setting battery conf to other in the yaapu menu, this would use only battery 1 for monitoring and alarms and still let you view batt2 by enabling dual battery view

Not sure where that is, could you guide me a little?

On Taranis long press menu from the main screen, scroll to “dual battery conf” and select other
On Horus/T16 long press SYS, browse to TOOLS and launch “Yaapu Config”

Great… Thank for the assistance

Thoughts on why to config is not there?

you do not have the latest version, download latest from github

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On fport I wouldn’t use an XSR, fport firmware for XSR and X4R is beta and buggy, I did a lot of testing with an x4r which shares the same firmware version with the xsr and had to give up because it would not handle telemetry right, RC control was fine but telemetry had all kind of problems.

Reflash to sport and you’ll see the difference or get an r-xsr which works great

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All loaded and working great. Thanks Alex


Hi Alex and the helpful gents on here,im building A new 3 inch quad and want to use the Matek F 405 board on it and your excellent script’s,do I need to use one of the yappu leads,many thank’s Marty

Hi Martin, which MatekF405 board will you be using?

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