An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

i do have some logs to when it did it

I just loaded 1.8.0 on my taranis x9d, the main screen is working fine all values look good. However the mavlink message screen only will show the yaapu message and the APM version. no other info will come in. I have a cheap pixhawk 2.4.8 verson with copter 3.4.6 firmware. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi, your copter version is really old :frowning:
You should update to the latest stable copter which right now is 4.0.0.
Your Pixhawk1 is still supported and mission planner should be able to detect it and offer the correct version.
I’ve never done an upgrade from 3.4.x to 4.0.x but I’d guess you’ll need to carefully review your parameters after the upgrade.

Edit: There’s a critical bug in copter 4.0.0 so you better upgrade to Copter-4.0.1-rc2 which includes the critical fix

Hi Alex, I use mav2passthrough and jumper T16 with latest opentx.
On yappu telemetry screen I can’t see display of flight mode, do you know why ?


I also observed this issue on the Horus X10S with mav2pt. Flight modes only appear when connected to a GCS. I am not sure, but I think this started happening after upgrading to Copter 4.0.0.

yes this can be heartbeat related, I think that Eric did find a solution for this, did you ask in the MavToPT thread?

I’ll look at this tomorrow.

David, I suspect you are right about copter 4.0. I get around this by sending heartbeats from mav2pt to the FC to trigger regular telemetry, but then the serial link between them must obviously be both ways. It won’t work with mav2pt simply listening on the FC tx pin because your Bluetooth board is using both uart pins.

If you have BT board hooked up like this, try configure BT into mav2pt.

Ok, I tested with Copter 4.0 and it streams telemetry for me without any periodic hb to the FC.

I’m using serial2 on a pixhawk, and my settings are :+1:


The SRx settings appear to take precedence over the Planner settings


I seem to recall that serial2 works for me, but I had some trouble getting regular telemetry out of serial1

I noticed you are using mavlink 2. I´m still on mavlink 1, maybe that´s the cause. I also might try switching serial 1 and 2, which seems a bit strange that it makes a difference.

Update 1: switching to mavlink 2 makes no difference.

I have a problem that I can not get out of the Lua Menu.
When I press exit, the whole Lua script closes and nothing has been saved.
Do you have an idea what is wrong?

What radio? On x9d you need to shower press exit, on Horus you need to long press

Yes, on the x9d with Opentx 2.3.5, short or long press exit, the LUA script is always completely closed.

Ok, haven’t tried 2.3.5 on my x9d yet, I’ll check asap

I tested it with 2.3.1, everything still works.
I do not know where you can download the old firmware 2.3.4, then I would also test it?

Hi, this appears to be a confirmed bug on OpenTX 2.3.5.

works fine on my X12s on 2.3.5 and my X9D

Works fine with OTX 2.3.5 on QX7 or with an old AVR4in1. I can even switch between script screen and normal telemetry screen. Testet at least 4 transmitter batpacks on this
Completely stable.

this is weird, I can reproduce it both in Companion and on my radio, I do not own a QX7 but on the X9D+ if I short press [exit] the script exits and it should not!
A [plus]/[minus] short press toggles the telemetry screen page while it should toggle the yaapu message screen back and forth.
plus/minus might work for you if you do not have an extra telemetry screen, I usually use a second one to show GPS coordinates

Edit went back to 2.3.4 and everything works as expected

What is weird? Why did you go back to 2.3.4?
On the QX7 :
After boot a message “Yaapu telemetry ready” is given.

-long press page starts the yaapu screen.
-short press page switches then to my second telemetry screen and back.
-weel to right switches to yaapu message screen and back to telemetry screen
-exit leads to main screen, You get the yaapu screen again after long press page.
-menue gives the yaapu setup page.

firmware OTx 2.3.5 , Yaapu 1.8

Hi you’re right QX7 is not affected, only OpenTX 2.3.5 on X9D/X9D+.
I had to go back to 2.3.4 on my X9D to have the exit,plus and minus buttons working as expected.