Altitude movement in windy day

I thought I had a decent tune on my X8 until the past 2 days flying in >10mph winds I notice the drone does not hold the altitude well… On the HUD the height displayed doesnt change yet the copter is moving as much as 1 near-2 meters at time… todays log I made some adjustments better but still a lot of vertical movement in loiter and altitude hold… I am wondering if it is something as simple as covering the exposed flight controller? or if there is a larger issue…
Todays Log is attached

Good reading here:

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Recommend a rangefinder for better performance overall.

Assuming the tuning and setup is all dialed in, covering the flight controller or at least putting some foam over the barometer can help. It’s an easy fix and at the very least will help keep the dirt out of the sensor.


Thx Yuri I like the airspeed estimation… it is quite advanced but I think it will be worth trying on the x8, unfortunately I will need to wait several days as weather is currently an issue… I also plan to build a cover (dome) but hope the barometer will perform better after doing the Barometer compensation

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