I’ve got a (EasyStar 3) fixed wing, in which I now built a (Holybro) digital airspeed sensor. When I blow on it I see increased airspeed reading in Mission Planner, so it does seem to work. When I go into QGroundContol and try to do a Baro/Airspeed pressure calibration it fails though. The only thing it displays is
Requesting pressure calibration…
Does anybody know what could be wrong here? How can I debug this?
ARSPD_SKIP_CAL was indeed set to false. I set it to true and tried the calibration in both QGC and MP again, but they both fail in exactly the same way.
If Airspeed is displayed when you blow into it, but the error message comes up when you recalibrate, that’s strange.
Could it not be that the error message means that the calibration could not be triggered by the GCS ?
Yes I assumed something similar, but I’m unsure why that could be. At this point I’m completely in the dark though. Do you know if I can get some kind of logging from the hardware, to get more details on the error?
I sometimes have similar error messages (that commands from the GCS cannot be executed) when the MAvlink connection is wireless. Does the error occurs with USB connection ?
It took me some time to test this, but I finally managed to. Unfortunately the error is the same as before, both in Mission Planner and QGroundControl.
Any more ideas on how to debug this? Can I get more detailed logs from the hardware?