AHRS not configured prearm alarm

Hell everyone I setup my T1 Ranger VTOL every thing is fine but EKF3 has some problems which I can’t figure it out I attach screenshot of alarms for any one can give me the source of this issue, If I disable EKF3 every thing working normal I can arm in fly in Qstabize mode.

Update to 4.3.5 (latest stable)
Make sure you have a GPS lock. (The images shows a GPS fix, but it’s not enough yet) The HDOP in those images is still way too high for ArduPlane to accept the position data. HDOP needs to be below 1.4 before a proper lock is possible. If you’re testing indoors or between buildings that may be causing some of the trouble.

I’ve also recently had issues when the GPS was too close to other antennas such as Crossfire and Walksnail that it just wouldn’t get a lock, or a good enough one for arming. After moving the Crossfire antenna further away it seemed to solve the problem.

Don’t disable EKF3. It’s better to figure out why there’s an issue.


Thanks, there is no way to switch to ekf2

Many thanks

Problem solved
I calibrate accelerometer 3 Axis
Shield gps/compass module from bottom
Wait more time as you advise
And message disappear. :grin:

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