Advanced Failsafe -- Parachute

Is it possible to use the advanced failsafe feature to trigger a parachute release in case the main flight controller chip fails and the io chip keeps running?

this is a general question, but in detail; I’m using a pixhawk 2.1 with a cube black and servo controlled parachute currently attached to AUX4 - servo12

Hi @RoelHelsen Did you manage to solve this.

Hi David,

We haven’t persued it further and solved our issue with external hardware which also has a power backup.

I haven’t experimented with the advanced failsafe options, but it lets you define mission item sequences that will be used in case of failsafe so I think you can put a “deploy parachute” command in that list to deploy the parachute.
However, I don’t know if this also works when the primary microcontroller fails.