Accels Inconsistent!

Hello everyone I’ve been struggling with my drown for a while now and have been dealing with more crashes then flight time in the air l’m hoping maybe someone here can help me out these are my 2 flight logs from earlier today Flight 1: 1 took my drone up in loiter mode and it stayed in place fine when I tried turning left or right it ended up coming down and said accels inconsistent. Flight 2: 1 changed my loiter maximum correction speed and put it up again it flew better and let me go left and right but for some reason when I went forward and came back it ended up coming down again and now I have a broken leg. I’m tired of the constant crashed and just would like to enjoy my drone on my time off could anyone help ?

I was told to create a new thread so I’m hopefully I finally did this right first time here.

read and follow MethodicConfigurator/ at master · ArduPilot/MethodicConfigurator · GitHub

I have competed the guide and now have the methodic configuration and the newest updated mission planner what should I do next ?

I was hoping maybe someone could look over my flight logs and see why I crashed earlier and what caused it I feel like since it said accels inconsistent it could just be a easy fix hopefully

You do need to do section 4 once

And after that, repeat sections 5 and 6 multiple times until you reach the end

So yes but on step 5 or 6 I kept pressing upload secreted params to FC until the application closed itself out and said everything was completed but I looked at my parameters on mission planner and it changed my battery capacity to 30,000 when it was set to 20,000 and when I open the methodic configuration it’s showing a random picture that’s not mine which is a quad rotor mine is a hexarotor.
I just wanted to make sure it didn’t change my existing parameters and put random ones on since this is my first time dealing with this software

You skipped some very important steps in Section 5:

  1. Read all the documentation links displayed at the top of the GUI (marked with the big red number 4),
  2. Edit the parameter’s New value and Reason changed fields to match your vehicle (marked with the big red number 5),
  3. Press Del and/or Add buttons to delete or add parameters respectively (marked with the big red number 5),
  4. Press Upload selected params to FC, and advance to next param file (marked with the big red number 7),
  5. Repeat from the top until the program automatically closes.

You missed 1, 2 and 3 marked in bold above.
And from those five simple points you only did points 4 and 5

That is exactly what you did by not doing points 1, 2 and 3! :frowning:

These five steps are written in the Quick start guide, the user manual, in a intrusive dialog at the start of the program and in the file.

So now my parameters are all jumbled up and now what and I supposed to do ? I really don’t understand why I needed to do all of this in the first place if I crashed because of accel inconsistency then wouldn’t you just be able
To look at the flight log and see exactly what’s going on…???

No, that is not that easy, usually there is not a single problem, but a multitude of problems. And it takes a lot of time to fix them all. I find one, you fix it, then do a test flight, I find a new one that was occluded by the first issue, you fix it, and you fly again, I find the third one … You should get the point by now.

It is better, faster and simpler to start almost from scratch and correct the issues, one by one sequentially, the program guides you and points you to a small subset of the documentation. The subset that you really need, and sets some parameters based on your vehicle components. And it prevents you from making certain mistakes.

But you do need to follow the instructions and not skip steps.

I just had my parameters completely redone and now your saying I have to redo them again i really don’t understand can you just look at my flight logs and see what happened plz your telling me to do several other different things before even looking at the flight log and seeing what happened

@dkemxr could you plz help
Or assist me in the issue plz or just look over my flight log and lmk exactly what caused the crash or what may have caused it

Thrust loss on Motor 5, 6 dropped to stabilize and down it went. This look a lot like another log posted yesterday by someone else. Susie and the Grill Master.

I did notice that as well theirs said thrust lost on motor 6 and then motor 5 tried to stabilize it but my thing is it’s saying accels inconsistent and I changed the gps order like I say they recommended them too but I’m still stuck and can’t seem to figure out what exactly the problem really it

Accels inconsistent is irrelevant as it happened after the thrust loss event.

Ok so your saying it went down twice due to thrust loss in motor 5? And it shows that it both flight logs that I sent ?

Graph the RCout’s for yourself. When an output, which is a command signal to the ESC, goes to max that Motor has lost thrust.

Both flight logs? You are pretty much abusing the forum here posting as 3 different user ID’s.
So is this right? @susiee2 @sussiee @Bobby_Flay

?? Huh? Please don’t @ me.

I’m not sure who that is I just know that my drones giving me problems that I’m trying to figure out how to solve so that being said what course of action should I take since it’s the motor loosing thrust then ?

ESCs and/or Motors loose thrust when they get too hot or De-sync.
Why do they get too hot or desync?

  1. Because they are under-dimensioned
  2. Because the vehicle is incorrectly configured and Gyro noise is being passed to the motors

To fix 1. use ecalc
To fix 2. use ArduPilot Methodic Configurator, this time without skipping any steps.

Aren’t there a bit too many crashes due to thrust loss on single motors in the last weeks…? Or is this just my subjective impression?

BLHeli goodbye present :wink: