I have a new Mateksys H743 Slim V3 and I am having issues calibrating the Accelerometer (Accel Calibration).
I place the vehicle level and click when done.
I then place the vehicle on the left side and click, but the screen/instructions do not change.
It looks like it gets stuck on the left side and will not register the calibration to allow me to move on the to right side.
The data shows the correct horizon, pitch, roll and yaw.
I have tested the flight controller in Inav and it successfully calibrates all six sides.
I have had this issue with other controllers.
Any suggestions
Thanks Phil.
I have never seen that. Try updating Mission Planner to Latest Beta from the help screen.
It looks like there is an issue with the installation of Mission Planner which is causing this issue. The flight controllers configure successfully on other computers.