This is for discussion of all VTOL Plane types
was wondering if anyone had experience / knowledge if it possible to use an aircraft successfully without any ailerons as a VTOL aircraft ?
As we all currently feel the impacts of the pandemic on international freight, I can not get the VTOL kit delivered I wanted for many months. As a consequence I’ve decided to convert an old RC motor plane with about 2m wingspan. However, it never had any ailerons but was flying fine as a regular RC aircraft.
Any thoughts ?
…don’t want to spend many hours converting the thing only to find it destroyed after the first flight attempt.
I am new to this forum but am a licensed drone pilot and have been flying DJI products for past 10 years. I am now wanting to fly the VTOL aircraft and looking at the Nimbus but need some type of one on one instruction as I know nothing about Ardupilot software. I am seeking anyone who is willing to work with me if possible one on one to fly this machine! I do not mind paying for training but dont want to crash a high dollar toy…Interested in waypoint flying automated flights.
I am in the process of constructing a VTOL delta plane. The plane is already existing so its more reworking an existing delta plane for VTOL capabilities. For this reason some basics are given: It will be a Tricopter frame type with two tilting rotors and vectored yaw. Most things seems to be clear how to do it. However there is one remaining thing I’m not sure:
The specialty is, that the third rotor is on the front side. As far as I understood, the tricopter frame type always assumes it has two rotors at the front and one rear rotor.
How can I configure ardupilot to fit for this reverse tri frame?
thanks for every feedback
regards Gerd
Ailerons are required when switching from VTOL mode to airplane mode
Hello guys I’ve tried a maiden fixed wing flight from qloiter throuth the FBWA but failed three times during the transition. First one does’not reach to transition and I stopped it manually. On the second try plane start to rotate in yaw uncontrollably and the finally last try made a weird moves and when I turned back to Qloiter probably because of the batteries move inside of the plane, crash to ground. I am adding logs and videos of the transitions
. Can you help to diagnose the problem?
hi… @tridge please give a solution…
i am using vtol fixed wing model…in a single mission i want to do fixed wing loitering and after that need to drop the payload using vtol hovering… how to do these two different loitering in single mission without changing any parameters during flying…
@Allister, Question: During pre-flight check on a VTOL plane (non-tilting motors) built by someone else, I noticed ailerons moving with full deflection as I was testing the pitch forward and back. This makes no sense. In Q_Hover mode, servos should not be reacting to the RC pitch movement, only the 4-motors should spin fast and slow. Am I correct?
Control surfaces will move in Q modes, however ailerons moving with pitch input seems really strange. I would have the builder of that check out what’s going on.