About RTK module supporting

It looks like you have the TX pin from the CubeBlack connected to the TX1 pin on the UM980. That won’t work. The TX pin on the CubeBlack needs to be connected to the RX1 pin on the UM980 and the RX pin on the CubeBlack needs to be connected to the TX1 pin on the UM980.

Per suggestion 3 weeks ago…

Hi @tridge I used the pinout information in the attached picture while making the gps socket connection. When I look at the pinout information on the ardupilot page, I see that it is different now. When I look at the picture again, I realize that it actually wrote the ports that need to be connected on the gps.

@Yuri_Rage Yes, you made a suggestion 3 weeks ago, but at that time I did not have such detailed information and I evaluated your suggestion and changed the location of the pins, but then the result did not change. I changed many settings of the gps module and came to this stage, now I will try again and report the result.

interesting, where is that picture from? If it is still published somewhere then we should fix it.
This is the pinout I refer to:

I remember getting it from this

Hi again @tridge

it finally worked. and as you said the log files were created. I am attaching the files for information purposes.

Many thanks to all for your help

gps and cube log.rar - 20.6 MB



I am wondering if the SBAS is enabled on the UM980 or UM982 drivers?

I would to take advantage of the SOUTHPAN Australian SBAS if possible, also the PRN code 122 need to activated. Not sure if its possible with this GPS.

Any help would be great.

whats problem ?
what are things you change ?