A BeagleBone Blue Setup Guide

My original post is misleading regarding PRU setup. The follow-on discussion covers that a bit. It seems the timeframe for editing has passed, so I am unable to update it, but I recommend following the applicable sections of the linked setup guides to enable the PRU. Also recommend sticking with kernel 4.19, as 5.10 proved problematic for me.

I did follow read the post’s above and followed Imfantant’s guide for configuring the kernel and enabling PRU and UIO.

I am currently testing the radios with python, they communicate fine on my pc. The blue is not sending or receiving with the radio. (the red led on the radio does not blink.)

I might just redo the setup of the blue, originally It was configured with the 5.10 kernel but i saw the post and rolled back to 4.19.

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You can compile the pru test program

make test and run the examples to check.

I ran the test and while I don’t quite understand the output, the servo i have plugged in is moving.

update: I got the telemetry radio working. I swapped the TX and RX wires (out of desperality more than anything else,) and for some reason that worked. probably some weird software reason but who knows.

That’s not a weird software thing. RX on one side should be connected to TX on the other unless there is a circuit board labeling inconsistency.

What telemetry radio are you using? I saw a list of options on the ArduPilot docs, but was not sure what is the best approach. Can you please provide some guidance using your setup?

Hi @svanimisetti
for telemetry there are some options, one is wifi ( setting one of the ports to the IP of the groundstation - “-A udp::” or using one of the serial radios with “-A /dev/ttyOX” - where X is the serial port connected to the radio. You can use even a serial port connected to the fport of frsky receivers with a signal inverter.
The only thing is not supported is serial receivers protocols with telemetry - like CRSF .

Just a fly by, but it looks like after completing the bluetooth config section above, ardurover.service will no longer be running the ‘hardware setup’ script before loading.

regarding the “Lua: open directory (@ROMFS/scripts) failed” see param SCR_DIR_DISABLE, particularly the romfs bit

It should also be included that there are mechanisms built in to blue to allow read voltage on lipo plug (ain6) and dc jack (ain5).

Thank you for this detailed guide. My question is, can we use the SD card now for logging and running scripts, like other pixhawk hardware (e.g. CUAVv5) ??

If so, please let me know how. Or if there is any other method for storing flight logs.

You can automount an sd card and on the ardupilot command line parameter add --log-directory - Startup Options — Dev documentation

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