Hello. I have Pixhawk mini and RacerStar 35A 4in1 ESC for my quad. And I have trouble making quad fly. -I have a power module between esc and battery and that module also powers pixhawk (it had the wire for it and I soldered them)
-ESC’s pin outs are here as shown
-Pixhawk Mini’s Pin Outs are here
I soldered the motor IN1-2-3-4 to pixhawk’s pin 1-2-3-4 (yeah it is prob wrong but easy to change). I don’t know where VBAT, CRNT, GND pins on the esc are going to plug in or necessary.
With this configs I can only make 2 motors work. And 1 motor is spinning while throttle is min. Here is the video
I’m in a hurry a little bit. I need all kinds of help of yours and will be appreciated
Yes probably it is PWM. I still can’t figure out how can I make all motors work. Btw when I lift the drone up or move it a little bit that 2 motors are changing speeds. (It is in Acro Mode)