30KM 1080p 60fps 150ms - SIYI HM30 Full HD Digital Video Link Telemetry Radio System

@SIYI Hi, I just noticed that there is Siyi HM30 SE available.
Could you please tell us what are the differences compared to original HM30?

Find on siyi web site https://siyi.biz/en/index.php?id=faq1&asd=191

MK32 is the major model. Working frequency is 5 GHz, of which the long range performance is optimized by massive field tests, hardware turning, and software work. The MK32 link is compatible with HM30 and MK15. MK32E is prepared for specific market in which only 2.4 GHz is allowed. The MK32E link is compatible with MK15E. The MK15E / MK32E link is not compatible with the MK15 / HM30 / MK32 link. The long range performance of MK15E / MK32E is no better than MK15 / HM30 / MK32.

HM30 SE ground unit does not come with the built-in WiFi module

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Hello! I had a question about a different kind of usage of the HM30. Instead of plugging a camera into the LAN port of the HM30 Air unit, is it possible to plug in a companion computer, like a Raspberry Pi, and then the Pi would be on the same network as a laptop connected to the LAN port of the HM30 Ground unit?

If this would be possible, I’m interested in running ROS on both the Raspberry Pi and the laptop, and the HM30 would act as the Ethernet link between both computers.

And if this is possible, I imagine I would still be able to have Mavlink telemetry running parallel on the UART/USB ports?

Hi John,

No problem. HM30 has a fully tranparant TCP/IP connection. Even 2 if needed


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Thanks for the info!

@SIYI Hello, I have a question. How to display in QGC the value of the signal strength between the air and ground unit, and other information transmitted by radio telemetry modules, thank you

The remote control is in the top right corner and the PC version is in the top left corner.

the rssi have a special setup? in our unit, in qgc, the rssi is always at 45%

I was wondering if the “SIYI FPV Windows” app is supposed to work? I’ve installed it on my PC, connected my laptop to my HM30’s wifi, yet the app remains disconnected and I cannot change the settings of the R1M connected to the HM30 air unit. I can connect the ground unit to the Ethernet-to-HDMI converter and I can correctly see the R1M’s feed on a separate monitor. But I need the app to change a few settings on the R1M.

I didn’t try disconnecting the Ethernet-to-HDMI converter when trying to use the Windows app. Hopefully that isn’t the fault.

If I can’t get it to work, I guess I’ll install the Android app on a spare phone.

There are some connection bugs in SIYI FPV PC, which need to be fixed. You can try to use the SIYI FPV on your mobile phone to connect to the image transmission of HM30 to check whether it can be used normally. If you have any questions in the future, you can send the problem to support@siyi.biz Contact me.

Found a spare phone and managed to install the app and connect to the R1M. Thanks!

there are any APKs available for Android that can use RTSP video streams from cameras and also provide options for downloading the footage to your device or cloud.?

there are any third party app or APKs available for Android that can use RTSP video streams from cameras and also provide options for downloading the footage to your device or cloud?

Wouldn’t VLC be able to do so?

Hello everybody!
No one has encountered the following problem: after downloading the software version 0.2.3 using siyi assistant, the device is no longer recognized and does not display information, but at the same time the red power LED lights up on the board and the green LED flickers. when reconnecting to the PC, it says that the device has not been identified.
I would be very grateful if someone would answer my question.

I think your ground unit firmware just failed and you need to do it again

This video should help you

What is the HM30 protocol used between the airborne unit and the ground unit?

Do you mean the RF protocol?


Do you mean the wireless communication protocol between Air Unit and HM30 ground terminal?

Sorry, wireless communication is encrypted and cannot be provided to you. But I can tell you. UART is a network protocol used for transparent transmission and video transmission.

I hope it can help you.

Best regards,
SIYI Technical support Tony Wang