30KM 1080p 60fps 150ms - SIYI HM30 Full HD Digital Video Link Telemetry Radio System

After almost a month and a half, my supplier informs me that the camera sent to Siyi for review, the R1M, works correctly.
Siyi’s response is that the problem was with the card, which is very good, that you have to use a more normal card.
The response was incredible because my supplier was not able to make it work and I used three cards of different qualities.
Fortunately, I have the problem solved, my supplier has returned the money for the second R1M camera purchased that is working with a quality card, this is a magnificent response of attention and consideration to the customer.

All the best,

We have sent to your supplier several Micro-SD cards which have been proved working well on our sides

Yes I know.
If the R1M camera depends on the type of card for it to work, don’t you think it is a very vulnerable and fragile product to operate?
Well, I’m closing this topic since the camera works for now.
Thanks Frank.

Hello Frank
I bought the SIYI HM30 system and I have a problem connecting with Mission Planner. I keep getting a (no heartbeat ) message.
I made sure that the ground unit is bind with the air unit, I am using Pixhawk 6x with Pixhawk RPi CM4 Baseboard.
Also, I wonder how I can get a replacement wires (spare one) for data link. (between the air unit and the autopilot)

all the best,

i have a device the RSTP address is like this rtsp:// i can view it in VNCplayer if i can use a siyiHK15 to wiless connect it ?

Please write to support@siyi.biz and we will assist

The device needs to be 192.168.144.X for connecting to SIYI systems

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i can set the ip address to 192.168.144.X if i can visti the address rtsp://192.168.144.X:554/screenmirror to use the SIYI system for view the video ?

Only the IP addresses part change, the suffix will remain

thank you .i’ll test it !


I have a system that works with AirUnit and HM30. The HM30 is powered by a non-constant (12V 3S LiPo) battery. AirUnit is powered by an adapter with a constant 12V output. A 14dB antenna is installed on the HM30. A standard omni antenna is fitted on the AirUnit. At a range of 1 km, FPV Signal Strength is around 50. When the range is 2 km, this value is around 15. After that, when we move forward, the connection is lost. What is the reason for low range? I also tried all values in the Wireless Mode section in the settings, but there was no increase.

Best Regards.

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You have already offered some useful information for trouble shooting.
It will be ideal if you can provide some more by following this guide. I also think you are capable of doing self-trouble shooting by following the same instruction.


Welcome to have a try

The red light is on and there is no display. When I observed this, I measured a range of 2.2 kilometres. I have not flown yet. The first test (5.5 km) was done between the land and the island, but it never connected. I decided to do a closer test, but I must be doing something wrong.

Firmware Version:

HM30 stands like this.


Have you found a solution to increase the range? What exactly is the problem causing your accidents?

For long range flights with SIYI systems, our suggestions are that you can try to increase the test range bit by bit to be familiar with the systems.

How much altitude you were flying at?
Is your record 5.5 km till now?
What were your setup when you got 5.5 km?

  • Antenna choices
  • Wireless modes

I have never flown with the SIYI system before. I wanted to test it on the ground before flying. I have concerns about the stability of the SIYI system. For this reason, I wanted to test it on the ground first and then fly. You can see the antenna I used in my post here.

Standard omni antennas were installed on the Air Unit. After the connection between the HM30 and the Air Unit was successful, we started to move away with the Air Unit. After 2.2 km, the connection was lost. The red light was on on the HM30.

After reconnecting and moving 1.5 km away, I selected Wireless Mode respectively: 5km, 8km, 15km, 21km, 42km. However, FPV Signal Strength did not change. I can’t fly like this. I am making a mistake somewhere, but I don’t know where.

If a ground to ground test result is 2.2 km, the performance is promising.

Different wireless mode should work with different antennas, please follow the manual strictly.

Dear all
Does anyone have an idea of how to connect the HM30 to the drone FC?

You mean, how to connect the air unit of HM30 set to your FC?

  1. connect HM30 air unit Link GND to telemetry GND
  2. connect HM30 air unit Link TX to your FC telemetry RX
  3. connect HM30 air unit Link RX to your FC telemetry TX
  4. connect HM30 air unit S.BUS to your FC S.BUS input (RC input typically)
  5. connect HM30 air unit power port black and red wires to your power supply (old unit 3 to 4S, newer units, I believe can go up to 6S, but check what is written on your model to be sure. If unsure, do not go above 16.8V nominal).
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I am facing similar issue , have you found where you were going wrong ??