30KM 1080p 60fps 150ms - SIYI HM30 Full HD Digital Video Link Telemetry Radio System

А хіба, коли я підключаюсь до мережі ground unit siyi6axxxxxxx я не заходжу в мережу із 144? Просто чел на ютубі так зробив і у нього запрацювало. Чи є якийсь мануал які маніпуляції потрібно зробити, аби зайти туди?

Напиши мені на вайбер або в телегу 0936804340

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Hello, Lorbass1
Please tell me how you connected the camera to siyi assistant? I connect the camera to the air unit, and I connect the air unit to the laptop via the type-с wire and go to siyi assistant and this is what it gives me. What am I doing wrong?

Did you power on the airunit?

When connected, down left in the black strip of the assistant the green “LED” will be on and the values are to see.

Yes, the problem is that it is powered up, but the indicator for some reason does not light up. Is 12v enough for him, or is it better to put 16.8?

Which camera do you want to connect?
I speak about the A8 mini Gimbal cam.
So it is needed to connect the cam via the USB to the PC not the airunit.

Ohh, I thought you were connecting a standard r1 camera, and in this case, I cannot connect the camera to the PC separately, only through the unit(

Sorry, in this case I have no experience. The R1 cam had an unusual Video Format recorded.
And finally it does no work anymore.

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@SIYI Sometime I bought a Flat directional Antenna from Maple Wireless.
Its marked:
5.8 G Plate-Antenna
Freq: 5150-5950 MHz
Gain: 17dBi
Vertical Polarization

Is this compatible with HM30?

I ask, because in the specs is the Frequency not mentionned.

Yes, it is compatible with HM30.

Thank you verry much. It is to use with this vehicle.
(The GoPro is due to the recording of the Sound)

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Wouldn’t it make more sense that the camera is in the driver seat? :slight_smile:

Yes, but this would destroy the verry good qualtiy of the Video produced by the SIYI Cam. The plastic window is not so clear.
Here a first test. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Dh97b7nFPc
By the way. The Gimbal is verry good. Its not to see when driving over an 5 cm obstacle or all the vibrations to see on the front of the rover.

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@SIYI How do I connect the standard camera r1 of the HM30 system to Siyi Assiatant to change its settings? I connect the air unit to the laptop via the type-с wire and go to siyi assistant and this is what it gives me. What am I doing wrong?

It is powered up, but the indicator for some reason does not light up.

Hello @Vitalii_Hloba,
I just bought an R1M camera.
I have recorded the firmware in the SD, I have inserted the SD in the R1M, I have connected it to the air unit, I have powered the air unit and in theory after between three to five minutes the camera flashes itself generating the files IP information.
But unfortunately in mine none of this happens. A red light comes on on the camera but it doesn’t do anything else. Of course I don’t have a connection to SIYI FPV.
Can you tell me when you update yours if the red light changes color or blinks when it is updating the firmware?
Did you have any problems connecting with SIYI FPV?
Thank you.

R1 camera can only be configured through SD card
Manual for download

The R1M camera comes with no indicator. Where do you see the indicator?
A video will be helpful for us to check your problem, thank you

Hi Frank,
Thanks for your interest.
I am referring to this internal light.

On Sunday I sent an email to my supplier and yesterday he asked me to send him the camera because he doesn’t know what could be happening.
This is what I have done to it:
I’ll tell you the entire procedure I followed:

First I read the R1M manual.

Since this is the first time I am going to configure the camera, they tell you to update the camera firmware through the SD card, so that I can see the camera configuration files on the SD card.

I have loaded the firmware of the R1M camera in the root on a 16G SD card formatted to FAT32, on this card there is only this file, this is the link where the R1/R1M documentation is.

I connect the camera to the receiver, turn on the station, power the receiver and a red light turns on on the camera.
I wait the minutes and many more than what the manual says (between 3 and 5 according to the manual) and in theory the camera flashes itself. During this time interval the red light is always on, it does not flash or change color.

I disconnect power from the receiver and turn power back on.
I connect to the Siyi FPV app and it shows disconnected on the main screen.
In configuration change to:
Siyi Camera 1, nothing disconnected.
Switch to Siyi Camara 2, nothing disconnected.
I change to rtsp://, nothing disconnected.

In settings I go to camera, and Camera R1 appears at the top, but there is no firmware version and when you click on Uggrade, camera not found appears.

I disconnect everything, remove the card from the camera to see if the files have been created:

“curip.txt” to check the IP address and

“setip.txt” to configure the IP.

None of these files have been created.

It seems that the camera is not capable of updating the firmware since when you connect it to the receiver and apply power, the camera light turns red and does nothing else.

I need to know what needs to be done for the camera to connect to the Siyi FPV application.

The version of the Siyi FPV app that I have is:

I have seen that there is a new version of the Siyi FPV app from October 18, 2023, this is its firmware:


I only have to update to this new version, which is from just ten days ago, but I don’t want to do it until you tell me what may be happening.

I think something is wrong with the camera, since it is not updated and does not generate the necessary IP for its connection.

This is the same video that I have sent to the supplier.

VID_20231029_172910 1.mp4

The camera is already packed to send it to the supplier.

Thanks again Frank.

Thank you, Frank. I have a few more questions:
1.Will I be able to achieve a distance of 30-40 km with this r1 camera? What antennas do you recommend for the air unit and the ground unit for this. (I have 2x mapple 5.5G plate antennta 21 dbi for ground unit). What settings should be set on the ground unit and the camera?
2. I don’t have the opportunity to fly something to a distance of 30 km, so I drive away from the drone’s take-off point for 30 km, then take the drone up a mountain for 1 km, turn on the ground unit and try to catch the video, but nothing happened. Is it even possible to catch a video like I do, or do I need to fly away from myself and see at what distance the video disappears? Is it necessary to connect to the air unit, leave for 30 km and then try?
With analog systems this scheme worked, is the same scheme possible with digital systems?

It has probably been discussed here but anyways I have been away from RC for quite a while but took on a project where I am building a “V” wing pusher, Talon 1400 and I want to use the Siyi combination for long range while still having the ability to program the Pixhawk for autonomous flight. I have seen a lot discussion about using the above combination but no one has come out and shown exactly how the FR is connected to the Pixhawk. Is there anyone out there that has actually used this combination with the same outcomes that I am looking for and what is their success. If so could they provide precise diagrams with pinouts showing the connections. I also understand that there might be a couple of ways of doing it, one would be a direct hardwire and I also heard that using only Tx and Rx plus bluetooth also works. Please help as the manufacturers can’t seem to do so. Thank you in advance.