20kg payload quad copter Auto Tune Results- advise changes


So we did a flight without any dummy payload and then did an autotune , moth thst hover was .125 and changed the required parameters also .

Post auto tune vibes were checked all less that 8
And then we put 15kgs payload and did a flight all vibes below 15 units and mean value of 3-5 units.

Hence now we are continuing without any dummy payload and 15kgs payload of relief material gets dropped and drones RTLs with vibes less than 6units

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OK that sounds reasonable. Good to hear it flies well.

It’s all your effort and @dkemxr @amilcarlucas @Clogz @Axel1 thank you so much for all the inputs shareed by you guys . This was not possible without your help

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Thanks - good to hear you’ve got it flying well now and well done to everyone. :slight_smile:


So we did the showcase today and observed some oscillation.
Did 2 missions at different altitude and payload of 9 kgs which was dropped 3 kg at a time (3times)

We observed the oscillation when the drone was reaching waypoint

In the second flight(log 30m altitude) when we observed oscillation we took over in loiter mode

In the first flight (log 50m altitude) when the oscillation was observed we let it reduce by itself and there after took over loiter mode to go over drop Lovation

I noticed Des roll and att roll in the logs and can see some issue , can someone have a look and advise is it beucsse of bad pids in the roll axis ?

Any suggestions

Log 1 50m altitude -alt 50mtrs.bin - Google Drive

Log 2 -30 m altitude -

@amilcarlucas @Clogz @xfacta could you have a look when you get time

@sauravhobyy hey could you help me out!!, which pdb have you used for this and current sensor i have used several pdb and mauch sensors( current sensors) which has been fused.
also im using hobbywingX11 with 12s 22000mah *2, my drone bounces in loiter mode with empty weight and flies stably in stabablize mode.