$15 360 degree XV proximity lidar

hi @geofrancis !
Are you able to post your work file of the case for the xiaomi lidar? I want to customize it slightly so it fits on my rover and want to reduce printing time by removing unnecessary parts.

Thanks for the feedback.

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I dont have any files left, I have saved over it when I merged the parts. The case malman has designed is far better.

Itā€™s okay, I used @malman files and printed it. Now i got all the parts on me so i will start making the lidar in a minute!

I was doing testing with it on my rover and i noticed that the lidar is running at 40hz now that its connected to a H7 controller, I think the omnibus f4 might struggle with so much data coming in. as I was barely getting 8hz., I need to do some more testing to see if its the controller.

Ok, first issue along the way,

After installing the libraries and trying to upload the code to 2040 with LED function, it just stops with the following error: \libraries\NeoPixelConnect\src/NeoPixelConnect.h:25:10: fatal error: hardware/pio.h: No such file or directory

Have i missed something while installing the libraries?

have you installed Arduino Mbed OS RP2040 Board library? I think you can install it straight form the board manager.

Okay, selected it and everything works for now, thanks!

Success! (i think)

Soldered everything together and it works! Ardupilot receives the data, but the obstacle avoidance proximity viewer blinks very often, and i think it has a little bit of delay, is that normal, or should i be worried? (canā€™t really test it outside because i need to mount it on the vehicle)

It says its getting around 1Hz and around 200Bps

Does that only affect the amount of data sent to ground station, or is it showing the amount of data the flight controller is getting?

have you set the SERIALx_OPTIONS on the lidar serial port to suppress MavLink forwarding?

OA_TYPE = 1, this will enabe avoid in auto mode and show objects on the mission planner map
SRx_ADSB = 5, this is how many objects it will send to the ground station per second, you wont see anything on mission planner if its set to zero. this is set on your telemetry port not the lidar port

I had it set to 50, and i changed it to 5, but there was no difference

I understand that SRx stand for SERIALx? or am i wrong? I changed all of them to 5 because i didnā€™t knew wchich one to changeā€¦

have you set your lidar serial port to ā€œDonā€™t forward mavlink to/fromā€

I donā€™t really knowā€¦ Where to check it?

in SERIAL4_OPTIONS: or whatever port your lidar is connected to, set Donā€™t forward mavlink to/from

if you set OA_TYPE = 1 you should start getting circles on the map like this

when i say serialx i just mean serial whatever you have it connected to.

I canā€™t seem to set it (there are no options to pick from here), i am looking at full parameter tree

donā€™t know if i can see circles, i am inside and i have no gps lock

you have to cick set bitmask and the options will appear.

Ok, i set it, but still no change

a little flicker is normal with the red line rpoximity display as its not a single reading. just the most recent from that face.

can you show your mavlink inspector?