$15 360 degree XV proximity lidar

i was about to enter it but i noticed that the obstacle avoidance function disappeared from the drop-down menu next to connect button… There is no obstacle avoidance in mavlink inspector now but the senosr is still giving data as its visible in normal proximity viewer

thats normal, as we have disabled the ability for the lidar to send data via the telemetry link.

have you set OA_TYPE = 1? once thats set and you have 3d fix you will get the circles

yes, i have set it to 1, but i am not able to get gps lock at this moment because im indoors and its basically night right now

if your getting the regular 8 sided proximity display then you should be good to go.

is the flickering only visible on the ground station, or is it “visible” for the Flight Controller too?

Will mount it on the rover and try it tommorow, thanks for help!

Essentially its mapping 72 sections from the lidar into the 8 sides it uses for proximity, because it updates each eighth each time a section from the lidar comes in and each section is slightly different it shows on the screen as the red line jumping back and forward.

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testing it now, but for some reason ardupilot won’t let me arm the vehicle (constantly changing from “ready to arm” to “not ready to arm” and it gives me a “bad lidar health” error, what do i do?

what ardupilot controller are you using?

I am using a Speedybee F405 Wing Flight Controller

what port do you have it connected to?

i have it connected to serial port 5. I also noticed that i don’t see any circles on the map…

what serial port are you using for telemetry? can you post your parameters?

My telemetry module is plugged into serial port 4, what parameters do you need?

have you got SR4_ADSB =5?

I thought i had it set to 5, but for some reason i checked it now and it was back to 50… Changed it now, what should i do next? The errors are still here

Are you getting the red proximity display?

yes, it is posting data but it is delayed and disappears from time to time for a second

is the led on the bottom on lidar blinking regularly?

it is blue, i also saw small red LED blinking from time to time

can you post a video of the issue?