I reset everything. Installed 4.1.3 firmware, did a test flight today which make me fell confortable.
I still have the voltage sensor problem which i solved with a short truck…
I bought a FrSky lipo voltage sensor which enable me to read the battery voltage directly on the radio.
I set the battery fail safe very low and i’m flying only by the voltage shown on the radio. (which by the way is the real one)
As you can see in the following photos, right after the arming the two voltage measured are pretty the same, but after few minutes of flight, there’s a huge gap between then. (it’s up to 3 VOLTS. uneceptable)
N.B. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THE VOLTAGE SHOWN ON THE RADIO SHOULD BE MULTIPLED FOR TWO, BECAUSE I’M MEASURING ONLY 5 CELLS (my battery is a 10S but the Lipo voltage sensor accept only up to a 6S battery)