ZMR250 with Pixfalcon autotune help


I converted my ZMR250 from a Naze 32 to a Pixfalcon. I got everything setup and vibrations looks fine.

I then did a auto-tune on the Roll axis and would like to know if it is normal for a small quad or should I be concerned with the low values.

Stabilize Roll = 4,873756

Roll P = 0,03859347

Roll I = 0,03859347

Roll D = 0,001254361

Imax = 0,444

Filt = 20,000

Firmware Ver. 3.4.6

I did try to auto-tune the Pitch axes as well. But the quad just fell out of the air close to the end of the cycle because of a dodgy battery.

I got new batteries and would like to attempt autotune again. I just need some reassurance.


No 250 pilots out there!!!

I am a bit worried because it can not be set that low under Extended Configuration. You can do it under the full parameter settings but you get a warning that it is out of range.