The transition Qloiter or Qhover to Fbwa is smooth and successfull.
The flight on fbwa or stabilize is ok.
The transition Fbwa to QLoiter is done in 4 seconds and the wing climbs of 10 meters.
After there is an issue for landing. When I decrease throttle for loosing altitude, the wing is vertical and little by little it becomes horizontal. I must then switch to fbwa and leave in airplane mode.
I ve never succeded land in Qmode. The attempts were done without or with few wind.
hello Guillaume,
If you compare att_despitch and attpitch you will see that your plane is unable to follow despitch. CG position and control surface size are two main parameters. CG must be as close as possible to the quarter mean chord and control surface about 1/3 of the wing. There is a dedicated thread in the development team category and 2 examples of successful tailsitters are given in the last 15 posts.