Z Axis Vibrations

Looks very good, nice work.

Thanks man, I consider that high praise.

Hey the second machine. The grey drone that I copied the params over from.
She flew for the first time today.
So now I have 2 working versions. lol


Hi. I know this is an old thread, but hope this is the right place to ask this question…

I note that a lead mass has been used to help reduce vibration in conjunction with elastic supports.

Given that the aircraft has to carry LiPo batteries anyway, could the mass of these be used instead of additional lead weights?

I am new to this so if I am talking non-sense please let me know before I waste a lot of time trying out a crazy idea.

Any feedback would be welcome. - Thanks

That is a good idea, and many vehicles use it. But the need to replace the battery makes it harder to implement.

Hello @rickyg32
Hope you are fine. I just read this thread and I like your folding frame… I also build folding type quad like yours with 17" props. How big is your props? I found that this type of frame has lower vibration compared with Tarot 650 or 690 type frames. If we can make this frame stiff enough, I think this is ideal quad frame. Just simple questions, do you make that frame yourself or we can buy online? How do you make the canopy? Is it 3D print? So far I am still looking for suitable Canopy…Is the 3D print files available online?
Thank you and Regards

Hey Tony
my props are 18 inch. I designed the frame myself. The canopy works well it was 3d printed in 6 parts and glued together. if you need help with a canopy let me know.

my canopy is available if you want the files. But they are intended for this specific frame.

Thank you very much . I am very pleased if you give me permission to use your Canopy 3D files… I will check and make some modification if necessasry to suit with my frame… About the Z vibration, I recently succed to lower the vibration by using silicon rubber under the motors. On top of that silicon, I also use the standard rubber damper for the FC…

Regards, Tony

Here you go
RG-XL Canopy Version 2.zip (858.0 KB)

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RG-XL Canopy Version 4.zip (728.3 KB)
second file

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RG-XL Canopy Version 5.zip (714.1 KB)

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Hi @rickyg32
Thank you very much…

To prototype this idea, I modified the bottom plate of the controller stack on a DJI Flame Wheel 450 to incorporate two pairs of M3 plastic pillars extending downward through the oval slots in the top plate of the hub.

A battery plate is attached to bottom of these four pillars with M3 countersunk screws and this supports the 3S LiPos roughly in the centre of the battery compartment and permits movement of about 3mm in all axes. This adds about 200g (7oz) to the sprung mass of the controller stack

Initially the bottom plate of the stack is supported on the frame by four “Barrel” type shock absorbers.
This configuration seems to have improved the vibration isolation significantly, but the Z axis still remains the worst with VIBE values around 2.

Some work is required to improve battery changeability, but initial results are quite encouraging.

The attached pics show the VIBE levels and the mounting plates.