Yaw range in set_position_target_local_ned

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to send yaw (hdg from global_position_int) to set_position_target_local_ned.
The yaw angle i get from global position int message is in the range 0-360. Shall I need to convert to in -pi to pi range so as to send this message?

I am trying to align my drone’s heading angle to my staionary vehicle’s heading angle. However, it is not realigning.

    pub async fn set_traj_target_local_ned(
        &mut self,
        pos: Vector3<f64>,
        vel: Vector3<f64>,
        yaw: f64,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        // accepts position / yaw in Tular Frame
        println!("THE TARGETTED VELOCITY IS -----------------------------------------{:?}",vel);
        let type_mask = PositionTargetTypemask::POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_AX_IGNORE
            | PositionTargetTypemask::POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_AY_IGNORE
            | PositionTargetTypemask::POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_AZ_IGNORE
            | PositionTargetTypemask::POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_YAW_RATE_IGNORE;

        let msg = MavMessage::common(MavCommon::SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED(
                time_boot_ms: 0,
                x: pos.x as f32,  // 
                y: pos.y as f32,  // 
                z: pos.z as f32, //
                vx: vel.x as f32,
                vy: vel.y as f32,
                vz: vel.z as f32,
                afx: 0.0,
                afy: 0.0,
                afz: 0.0,
                yaw: yaw as f32,
                yaw_rate: 0.0,
                target_system: 1,
                target_component: 1,
                coordinate_frame: common::MavFrame::MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED,

call =  self.set_traj_target_local_ned(gps_target_pos,target_vel,tular_yaw).await?;   `