Yaapu passthrough telemetry... on elrs/zorro setup, currently not working

So I’m now trying to get elrs working (i did have everything running with frsky xsr and internal 4in1 but only got 200m range on water)
What menu do i find this “enable CRSF” in yaapu, im totally confused, is it in a tool on edge rx because i only have Yaapu GCS, yaapu debug crsf and yaapu debug… I also have the expressLRS script that seems very similar to tbs agent lite. I have no idea, I can’t get the rc to come into flight controller, I’m on a usart with prot at 23 options at 0 and tried baud at 115,57 etc etc i have rc options with ‘use passthrough for CRSF telemetry’ set on (bit 8)

From the System Menu, “YAAPU Config” page down to “Enable CRSF support”

In my system menu ‘yaapu config’ is not listed, i just have the yaapu gcs, yaapu debug and yaapu crsf debug, somehow i must have not installed it when adding thr yaapu lua to the sd card? But i cannot find it in the master download on git

Edit, i searched the downloads and i found it in the dev, horus type tools so it wasn’t part of my install as i use the taranis/q7 files for my zorro.
I’ll add it in and see what happens

Nope, i get a syntax error, panel file not found, I’ll have to try to find the correct config script on git. To be fair im pretty new to git so I’ve stuffed it up somewhere

Hi, i dont see how i can enable this with the q7 as there is no yaapu config utility… how did you manage this on yours?

Well on my Zorro it’s pretty bizarre to access the menu, maybe it’s the same on the q7
Press Telem button once to display Yaapu, then press RTN, then press Telem button again. That should display the menu… To exit the menu press RTN
Hope it helps

Its a zorro that im using, i will try that. I had no idea of how i got to the menu i thought it was just luck :sweat_smile:
Thanks I’ll try your method now

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I have Yaapu telemetry 2.0.x dev (master) working with ArduPilot 4.4.3. All is good I have telemetry, messages display in the widget etc. However!

I don’t get sensors. I believe Yaapu should be giving me about 10 synthetic sensors, including an “Armed” sensor, but I don’t get any. I have RSSI_TYPE = 3 and it’s working - RSSI is showing on the transmitter.

Is there anything I need to do to get the extra sensors to show up?

I am running Arduplane 4.4.4
Tx16s with EdgeTx 2.9.2
ExpressLRS 3.3.1
Yaapu 2.X
The only issue I am encountering is that the battery voltage/cell voltage/amp are not coming thru nor the flight modes see pic attached.
Same setup on Frsky M9 and crsf is working without any issue.

I can confirm same problem on my RadioMaster. Interestingly, I saw the message below when it was armed but the main screen continue to flash “Disarmed”.

I was having this problem on OpenTX. On a RadioMaster 16S with EdgeTX the sensors appear correctly - especially “ARM” which is what I needed.

I am going to delete all the sensors and do the rediscover. On the telemetry screen, I am missing TRSP, RPWR, and TFPS.

So I deleted all the sensors and did a rediscover. That didn’t work.
I changed Telemetry Ratio to 1:2 (2921bps), and its working now.

@yaapu @Allister, packet rate is at 150Hz (-112dBm), and Baudrate is at 400k, should these two values be higher?

telemetry rate should be >= 25Hz, ideally >=50Hz
It depends on your link rate and link to telemetry ratio, check the docs here

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I’d suggest you also increase the baud rate on the Radio. I set mine to the max it will do. This seems to be a best practice with ELRS.

I got it all working - so here is my video about using Yaapu telemetry to get ExpressLRS arming to work “properly”.

I am replacing an old UAV rx with an ELRS. That UAV is equipped with a KAKUTE F7 AIO (Ardurover V4.3.0), but it is not communicating properly with the YAAPU telemetry. The telemetry indicates “no telemetry”.Control from the radio is working fine.

I suspected the radio and YAAPU settings, but it worked fine when I installed the same ELRS rx on another FC.

I suspected the KAKUTE settings and the RX worked fine when connected to another FC (Matek F405wing or F765 wing) with the same UART settings.

I think the cause is in the KAKUTE, but the cause is not clear to me.
My ELRS system is Jumper T18 with BetaFPV’s TX and Jumper AION-RX-MINI. I need your help.
I’ve attached my FC’s param file.



I think I’ve noticed something with Yaapu suddenly/randomly not working. I think what I’m seeing is that if you modify one of the settings on the “Model” tab in Edge TX, it resets the “Use CRSF” option in Yaapu, so you think “oh I’m sure I set that” and you have to go set it again.
I noticed that this happened when I edited the model settings using Companion, but then I also noticed it happened if I modified one of the timers on the radio without using Companion. What made this stand out was that it was on a model that I had flown several times with Yaapu working fine and then it just stopped working when I fired it up after editing the timer.

Have you seen this @yaapu ?

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probably the model name changes somehow and therefore you actually get a full reset of the widget configuration

I have noticed something additional about this issue.

I have the same model same settings for the radios and different FCs connected for the RX side. the UART settings for the FCs are the same for all FCs.
My KAKUTE is not able to communicate with the radio and telemetry, while the Matek765/405 wing is able to communicate. Of course YAAPU also works.
In KAKUTE’s case, the radio settings [telemetry] recognized data from rx such as RSSI, but did not receive data from Arudupilot. Therefore, when I check the yapuCRSFdebug in TOOL, there is no communication.
In addition to this, I have connected my Omnibus F4 Pro V3 to the same rx as well and it too is not communicating with Yaapu. But on the other hand, the radio setting [telemetry] is receiving data from Ardupilot, but still the yaapuCRSFdebug in TOOL is not getting any data.

Could this be a clue to what is going on?