Y6/Pixhawk rolling over in Stabilize

[attachment=1]2014-03-20 10-36-04 7.log[/attachment]Just in the process of transitioning our mapping units from DJI WKM to Pixhawks. So I set the first Pixhawk up on a small Carbon Scarab Y6 to test (U8 motors and their 29" prop are too expensive to flip). The unit wants to roll over all the time. Picking the Y6 up at throttle give the appropriate correction while rolling and pitching the model by hand. But as soon as it’s back on the ground and you try to take off it rolls over. It’s loaded with 3.1.2 firmware in MP. Radio calibration is correct, especially in roll and pitch. It’s setup as the new Y6B with all the CCW on the bottom and the CW motors on top. Double checked and did a motor test in the terminal. Out of ideas… The log shows the desired roll compared to actual roll are opposed which would point to a Reversed tx signal, incorrect motors rotation and such but that’s all good. Ideas from the log file? I also attached a jpg of the roll window incase you just want to take a quick look. Thanks!

Almost certainly bad rate gains or incorrect motor order. Check your motor order and ensure that it is correct. Make sure all motors are spinning the right way.

Otherwise, change your rate gains experimentally.

Thanks for taking a look. The motors are definitely the right way and in the correct order. Definitely learning a new autopilot requires different tuning procedures than I’m used to. Just thought it was odd given proper motor rotation and order yet giving me a that crazy dat log on the roll… Looks so simple, like something’s reversed except it’s not. Weird.