I am using 3.1 on a 3DR Y6. I am trying to use the new prop configuration (all top props CW, bottom props CCW), however when I try to take off the copter wants to flip forward.
Steps I took:
-All top 10 inch props are pusher and spinning CW
-All bottom 11 inch props are SF and are spinning CCW
-Frame is set to 10
Attached are a couple logs with ‘motors’ turned on; they are very short but I am hoping it is helpful.
Did I miss something? Really would appreciate some help!
The motor order has also changed if you use the new FRAME=10. So the motor order is now: #1 - front right top motor #2 - front right bottom motor #3 - back top motor #4 - back bottom bottom #5 - front left top motor #6 - front left bottom motor
great news. Now there’s a little issue in that if you go to the Mission Planner’s Initial Setup >> Mandatory Hardware >> Frame Type screen it may reset it back to the original “plus” or “x” frame because it doesn’t understand the new FRAME=10 value yet. This will be sorted in some future MP release of course.