X8 post crash rebuild

Hi all,

I’ve got my X8 back together after a pretty bad crash. I’ve replaced 2 motors on one arm and I’m having some issues with one of the motors. The first time I fired it up the top motor just twitched a bit and did not power up upon arming. I pulled the connections on the motor and one of the connections looked almost a little corroded (not sure how?!?). I cleaned of the connector a bit, plugged everything back together, and then it seemed to fire up fine and everything was working. Tried again the next day and the same thing happened again, the motor just twitched.

Is there anything in the log I can look for to assist trouble shooting this?
I didn’t replace the ESC after the crash, so I’m wondering if there is a way to test an ESC?


Hmmmm, 5 days, 140 views, and not even one comment…

For other newbies that might be looking for similar information, check out this video:https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=my9cVMv2OoqsyAS6goLQBg&url=http://vimeo.com/38796265&ved=0CCoQtwIwAg&usg=AFQjCNGNjxiQtFfoFwwHQUhDTaQ7pd4V1w&sig2=FT-LBfV3h8f_U9XgjA520A


It sounds like the esc is bad, you would have to test the esc in question with a known working motor to see if that is the issue.

Thanks again santiago.

Yes, after further testing last night I have determined the esc is the problem… Now to try to get the new esc soldered to the PDB… :slight_smile:


Good luck