Hello Dear,
Im new here and i can`t write/speak english very well but i hope you guys understand my questions.
So i have build an X-Quad that has he currently has an F4 flight controller from fpv drones, but i would like to integrate a pixhawke or an APM Flightcontroller.
Controlling the drone is a bit difficult at the moment.
first to the basic principle:
It is a simple X-Quad with 1800KV Xing motors and 6S Lipo.
I have attached a 3D-printed vacuum pad to the copter which is supposed to suck on wood, metal, concrete and glass.
The whole thing works very well, but she’s crashed too often. Because the vacuum wasn’t strong enough and I dis-armed the motors too early and then armed it again too slowly.
Here an succesful testflight : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il5CfNRQu5A&ab_channel=LazyNerd
So my wish is: I want to install a button on the vacuum pad which is pressed when it is tightened enough, only when this button is pressed should the drone switch off the motors. If the vacuum switches off again / is too little and the switch is not pressed again, the drone should go into hover mode.
Is it possible to connect such a button to a Pixhawk?flight test, Vacuumpad on drone