I am currently conducting tests in SITL related to my project and have set the WPNAV_SPEED_DN parameter to 5m/s. However, I have observed that when commanding a high-velocity magnitude, such as 15m/s, and distributing it among the three velocity components (X, Y, and Z), the Z component sometimes exceeds the 5m/s limit specified by WPNAV_SPEED_DN.
I see that the PSCD.DVD value generated in these instances also exceeds 5m/s, which leads the drone to attempt to achieve this higher speed.
Therefore, the clipping behaviour is not being applied as expected. Could you please clarify why the WPNAV_SPEED_DN parameter is not being used as a clipping point for the PSCD.DVD?
I have attached my log here: 00000007.BIN - Google Drive
I am using 4.4.2 firmware
Thank you for help