WP Radius, Loiter Radius, and Plain Radius

Cheerson CX-20 Pathfinder - Open Source APM2.52 with v3.1.5 version FW running the latest Mission Planner software on Win7 64-bit.

For the mission command: MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS: On Ardupilot.com under the details for this command, it states (and I quote), “The radius of the circle is controlled by the CIRCLE_RADIUS parameter (i.e. cannot be set as part of the command).” Then why when you select the “LOITER TURN” option from the Command list drop down menu does the field “Radius” show up for that command line. Inputting any value in that field does not appear to affect anything. I know someone who attempted a Loiter Turn as part of their mission and they did input a value into the RADIUS field for that command line and that value had no bearing on the execution of that LOITER TURN. The quad just did a pivoted spin in one place, then moved on.

In reviewing the entire mission command list, I couldn’t find a single command where the mission parameter “radius” is enabled or available. Was this field added as “reserved” for possible future use (and it maybe functional for current versions of the FW)? There are two additional “radius” fields in MP - Flight Plan tab, which are not a part of an individual command line, but appear to be a higher level input (overall of mission parameter rather than just a command parameter).

Those input fields are “WP Radius” and “Loiter Radius.”

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