We are facing wobbling and slightly diagonal oscillation, when we are giving YAW input in LOW battery. Same thing is repeating every time at around 12.6V (Li-ion 4S, 16.8V, 16800mah). We tried to improve PID tunes, later we tried to improve YAW tune.
Yaw_P = 0.45
Yaw_I = 0.045
Yaw_P = 0.9
Yaw_I = 0.09
Yaw_P = 0.35
Yaw_I = 0.035
Yaw_P = 0.2
Yaw_I = 0.02
when we did last set up (P=0.2 & I=0.02) wobbling decreased, but are not sure- is it a proper solution? <log>
Is that a problem, how to solve - please guide anyone.
Perhaps that battery cannot supply the current demand. The outputs are maxing out which triggered a Thrust Loss error. Stabilization will be compromised.
Without enough voltage there will be not enough RPM. It is that simple. You will need to redimension your Powertrain to be able to cope with such low voltages. It is not a software isssue, it is an hardware issue.