Will Pixhawk2.1 be ever available on the market?

IRLock told me they have the Standard Carrier board in stock. They seem much more active in the community, and they did respond to my Facebook message when I asked a question. I received my Pixhawk 2.1 yesterday (I ordered directly from the proficnc website back in February).

It’s pretty badass I’m not going to lie.


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The third batch were sent this week, I don’t think they will have all arrived at distributors quite yet…
so please wait till next week.

I am sorry this has taken so long.

I will wait till next week. That being said, i orderded a unit from Uavsolutions.com back in december for the second batch. :confused: Its quite un-nerving to read about people ordering in Febuary and they have their units? :confused: And honestly, considering i apparently cant even be gifted a call back from these guys, im really kind of blah to the whole situation. The only other time in my life ive had a business dodge this many calls was some years ago when i was still a building contractor and that business owed me alot of money.
As ive said before, my issue is not with Pixhawk and the manufacturer, it is with this distributor and the total lack of communication.
I just hate giving these guys even one more day if i can cancel/dispute the order, recoup my money and get them from somewhere else. If i was given even a shred of information from them id feel a heck of alot better.

I have been patiently (mostly) waiting for my pixhawk 2 since December. Just received notice that it has been shipped (this is actually my second pixhawk 2)! Big thanks to proficnc as well as all of the ardupilot developers for your hard work and continued support. Without you (and others like you) none of us would be able to enjoy the benefits that the open source community brings. I hope to be able to contribute back someday!

  So, i got a response from the distributor last night. Apparently my order got "pushed to the back of the bench" or something to that extent, was why i dident make the second shipment. Honestly it sounds like lip service, but i digress, the order is shipping today along with the Here gns unit. 

I can not wait to dig in and start having some real problems to deal with like frames that eat themselves and commit aerial suicide because i messed up some settings or botched the pid’s.
Those problems im totally okay with as its something that alot of hard work and attention to detail can usually fix. The polar opposite of the problem i’d been having and could do nothing about. “No communication with a distributor”.
Here’s to the likely long road ahead making something that flies well and gets the job done with this new hardware thats on the way! Excitement is high!

Glad to hear you got it sorted,

Yeah I have had mine for a week now and haven’t put it in the air yet. There is quite a bit of a learning curve, especially if you have never used Ardupilot like me.

I’m in no rush, this stuff is fun. I really am aiming to build something really cool. I cant wait to show everyone.


Readymaderc.com still has at least 6 pixhawk 2.1 and quite a few here gyros. I had ordered the edison version in december and that came last week from hongkong and I also ordered the standard from readymaderc. Orders before 2pm are shipped same day

You know, I had no idea readymaderc.com had Pixhawk 2.1 units. Dunno why i never thought to look there. :confused: Ive used them for awhile and have gotten nothing but stellar service and great products from them. Would have ordered from them in a second. Shame on me…

Its here “pun intended”, sitting on my bar finally! Now comes the work. :slight_smile:

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Nice! Can I take advantage of you having one to help us find and communicate some info about it ?

Because I can’t find the complete up-to-date schematics that at least should be available for reading by community. There are just two pdf files available on github (https://github.com/proficnc/pixhawk2.1)
-IMU_REV_1A.pdf (about the IMU sensors)
-PSM_REV_C.pdf (about power mgt)

On proficnc and partner hex.aero web sites, the technical specifications that can be found is incomplete, in particular the most basic information such as the dimensions of Pixhawk2.1 and its weight or even the chip reference of its 3-in-1 sensors (the downloadable PDF specs mention MPU92xx or ICMxx but which one is it ?)

So could we take advantage of you having one to take a look inside to tell us what IMU chips are used, and measure PixhawkV2.1’s total weight and dimensions please ? I’d appreciate it very much, thanks!

I ask for them here you have:

It didn’t fit in my small build BUAAA!!!

Certainly, ive been meaning to have a look inside for my own edification. Ill try and get to it tonight and upload some pics.

Thx Cala for this documentation.

Cool, very much appreciated, thx.