Will Pixhawk2.1 be ever available on the market?

I’m not sure about the several million in profit thing… but they did ok.

As for your concerns with this being new? Pixhawk 2 has been on the market in various forms for over 2 years now. It’s well proven now.

Regarding Hugues comments, my only concern there is the assumptions he makes about the market, and how things work.

His attacks on Francisco were just uncalled for, and as such I cannot see through that.

If he has a genuine question, that could have a real answer, and he could possibly ask it without insulting the people here that volunteer their time for his benefit, then he may get a positive answer.

This is a community, a two way street…

thanks profic! you are absolutely right. quality is key.

I will go back to reading ardupilot code and stop kicking up so much dust around here.


I have a quick question about batch 2. I am considering putting an order in from one of the distributors that is listing an expected shipping date in May. Will batch 2 have the hardware redesign that addresses the critical release message about over tightening the screws? I am not desperate as I have a pixhawk 1 I am using now. I prefer waiting until the design has been updated and makes It into production as I would prefer to not have to put a sticker over the area in question as well as be able to use pwm1.


The corrections have been done. You’re good to go.

Happy flying

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Philip, why do you make up such bias of my message? please show where i expressed assumptions on market and how things work? Being unhappy to be told otherwise does not legitimize you to outright lie. you were asking me to stop and there you add more oil on the fire. Quite pathetic.

i never talked or said anything about Francisco (i do not even know him). The truth is exactly the opposite of what you say: He attacked me very aggresively on my initial post which in no way has anything to do with him. Which makes it all the more weird he got so offended.

Now i ask you to stop your deceiving aggressions on my person.

Again, please listen to your customers complaining about the lack of Pixhawk2 in shops instead of insulting them.

Hi Hugues

Did you get your PXH2 yet? Or do you still have to order?

Maybe the question here is twofold:

  1. What is the definition of customer, customer support, consumer and contributor?
  2. Who is providing support and paying for it? (or not?)

Just quickly some definitions from wiki:

In sales, commerce and economics, a customer (sometimes known as a client, buyer, or purchaser) is the recipient of a good, service, product or an idea - obtained from a seller, vendor, or supplier via a financial transaction or exchange for money or some other valuable consideration.

A consumer is a person or organization that uses economic services or commodities.
(Being specifically separate from the definition of a customer who might purchase a product or service but never use it. In this case APM code users are consumers not customers)

A benefactor; someone who donates to charity or some cause.
A person who backs, supports or champions a cause, activity or institution.
A person (or thing) instrumental in the creation or growth of something.
A person who produces articles published in a newspaper, magazine, online publication, etc.

Customer Support:
Customer support is a range of customer services to assist customers in making cost effective and correct use of a product. It includes assistance in planning, installation, training, troubleshooting, maintenance, upgrading, and disposal of a product. (Much of which is being provided by Ardupilot.org etc)

The reason why I think it’s relevant and important to distinguish between these things is that in this case the PXH2.1 and the development of this hardware, as well as the software, is that unlike other commercial products much of this is unpaid for by the consumer.

Most of the development work is currently by contributors, who do it to move the project forward to reach it’s goals, and not primarily to make money from it. (Hence the lack of pay for developers maybe from the project?)

ProfiCNC has said time and again that there are only minimal margins applied to the PH2.1 to keep the price low for customers so they can afford to get the hardware. Whatever margins there are, are being primarily focused on development and making the best/most reliable hardware possible, with customer support falling to the contributors of APM and not the manufacturer/developer, because the thin margins do not allow for a dedicated customer service section to be paid for.

The software remains free, meaning by definition it is not a product that is being sold to “customers”. Software support to “consumers” of the product is also for free by contributors and developers, not exclusively paid for by suppliers or manufacturers and there respective customers.

So given the above, I find that it is important that we reassess our own pre-conceptions of what a “customer” or “consumer” service is, and what the level of customer or consumer “support” that can be reasonably expected from a contributor/developer of such hardware.

The “outrage” for “no” customer support, should reflect that expectation. (which IMHO it does not in this thread)

The alternative would be to employ staff for customer support and add that cost to the price of the PXH2.1.

From memory this was one of the “straws” that broke the camels back with the Solo and 3DR that somewhat ironically also used a variation of the PXH2, because they needed to employ an army of service personnel just to deal with customer support. Who wants to repeat that?

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As an answer to Hughes original question - " I, and a few other semi pro and pro builders, are looking hard to find an alternative we can rely on (and purchase!). "

Have a look at a CUAV Pixhack V3.0.Same sensors but not quite as advanced in the peripherals.

I see this a lot in this hobby. I call it the Walmart syndrome. For some reason Hughes you think Philip or anyone else in the Ardupilot community owes you something. You complain about Philips business model but you have not contracted with him to supply you flight controllers. You want him to produce flight controllers with his money with no guarantee of buying them. He takes all the risk. Since this is an open source project at sometime soon someone else can and will copy his work and produce it cheap at no development costs to themselves leaving Philip in the cold.

So you think coming here and accusing Philip and the Ardupilot project of somehow scheming to prevent you from making a product is going to solve anything at all. Do you think this rant is going to help capitalize Proficnc so it can produce more high quality and expensive flight controllers? Do you think it will reduce the risk so that someone will provide captial or get more buyers to buy this flight controller over a $50 pixhawk v1? Do you think it will prevent someone from copying Philips work and undercutting him?

Who exactly has business plan problem when they start a business when a core ingredient is not commonly available? Buy from some else if you are not satisfied with the service. Nobody else to buy from? Then get in line.

You claim to be civil but the very name you apply to this conversation is “rant”. It serves no purpose whatsoever. It solves nothing and insults the very people you are claiming to depend on for your business.


@mike +1
Exactly. Expect as much customer support and availability as you actually pay for.

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maybe if I move to Australia, I can get one easier.

Seems to be a valid tactic for many.

@mike +100. Claims to be civil but has made more personal attacks than everyone else put together (not that I’ve seen anyone else make personal attacks). While never having even ever ordered anything, not even a customer. Cretin.

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Well, honestly I don’t have a dog in the fight, but that being said my observation has been this. I ordered from a company in December under the guise it would be available by X-XX-XXXX date. I understood it was/is a newer product so there would be some delay possibly with delivery. I’m fine with that, But… For 3 weeks now the distributor I ordered from has had their website updated to show “PixHawk 2 In Stock And Shipping!”. That leads me to believe they have them in stock right? So many weeks of no response or reply from the distributor was ended with a call last Friday the 31st with the information that they were on the way and I should receive it this week. Well, unfortunately I still do not have any units and a call today went un-answered.
I understand customs issues, manufacturing issues, whatever. That is not my irk at this moment, my problem is that why update your website to display a product in stock, then dance around an answer when I ask a direct question such as “Why was the website updated a few weeks ago to in stock if they are not here?” Then also why commit to telling me it would be here this week, then not ship it and ignore attempts to contact regarding the matter?
I spoke clearly with my wallet as to what I would like to use, I still intend on using this system when it shows up, I do not blame anyone for anything regarding the Pixhawk project and appreciate all the work people have done and the immense investment of time and money that has been given.
I am just totally dumbfounded by the lack of communication and straight answers from my distributor regarding actually getting a few of these in my hands. I’ve called around to a few other places and came up dry so far sourcing another one from somewhere else, although they may in fact be in stock here in the US, I just don’t know where? I will keep trying next week.
—Just want to be 100% clear i’m not badmouthing Pixhawk or anyone involved with the project, I sincerely appreciate the investment people have given and don’t want to be accused of trolling or get flamed etc. -----

My issue is strictly with the other side of it involving my experience with a distributor to date. Hope it improves a lot moving forward.
Cannot wait to start working with the system, just bummed I’m still without a flight controller. Really thought i’d be posting a much happier response regarding this whole thing.

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I received a notification that a shipping label was generated on March 31st.

It’s 7 days later and the package still hasn’t shipped…

I am with you timbacon, I just want the damn pixhawk so I can get my plane in the air. I don’t want to be flung bullshit while I wait.

I ordered a Navio2 last week, which arrives on Monday. Something to start playing with at least. This poor Edison has been sitting on my desk for months without a board to go into.

I also have three tons of hobbyking shipments coming in this week, and my RF Design radio’s. Ill have enough to get a project going at least, while profic and crew sort out the pixhawk.

DHL just notified me that it’s in the AIR and on its way!

Scheduled delivery Tuesday April 11th!

@proficnc our lord has answered and delivered. thanks be to him

I look forward to the many months ahead Lets get this community going. Our mission, help one another! Contribute! And most of all; DESTROY DJI!

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Now your talking my language!
All the best!

Jagger, thx for the suggestion, I’ll take a look

Unfortunately I did not get one yet, even though I visit resellers site continuously for the last year almost (which triggered my post by the way, if this was not clear and obvious enough). At the moment I’m still unable to order one (European resellers have either their order button disabled for no stock reason or have a pre order mention with no order button at all. Some of them sometimes mention a future batch to come, most with no delay indicated, some indicating a next couple of months delay)

+100 That is the point and you understood it right, as opposed to some PJWs (Pixhawk Justice Warriors) trolling here.

Ok Huges…i perfectly understand your frustration and have no problem with that,like some people here… mister +100 always defend and always have some stupid comments…
BUT…now you can realy order one without problem,or 21…i sent you links(more than one) in msg so you can be sure you get them before others…
The one i linked seems to be without Edison but no one except very few is using it anyway,its more like fancy necklace than something useful until someone write a guide how to use it without spending 2 months of learning,and even than with doubtful results…you could never use for seling it to normal customers who do not have scientific knowledge…
I know where you going with Edison,people in air control or EASA will count Edison as second autopilot redundancy what you need in some EU countries for highest level flight zone…

DHL Tracking and TxT Msg also received

I also received DHL tracking on Sunday for the edison version. Delivery schedule for Tuesday also

Getting familiar with python programming,

Its encouraging to hear people are getting their units soon by tbe sounds of it. Unfortunately, i am still in the same boat j was last week, fielded another call to my distributor, went unawnsered but i left a message. Hopefully i get a response, but as it sits, no email advising of anything on the way. :confused:
Still anxiously waiting… Honestly, i’d much rather be posting issues i have with the flight controller or something of that nature. Lol At least i have a chance at fixing those problems.

Well, sadly enough I believe it is time to file a Paypal dispute. :frowning: I hate to but I do not want to run out the clock on my buyer protections. I’m going on many days now without being able to reach anyone at the distributor I chose to order my units from. Uavsolutions.com. Messages left go un-answered. Since early January of this year any attempt to contact them has been futile save for one call back a couple weeks ago with the canned “its on the way youll get it next week” answer. To put it into perspective were probably talking 30+ attempts. :confused:
That being said, I still would like to get at least one of these units if they are available somewhere? Does anyone know of a distribitor that has a standard Pixhawk2 with carrier board and a Here gps on the shelf?
Thanks for any info,