Wifi / Switch for new TCP networking - recommendations

Hi - the TCP/ethernet connectivity in v4.5 looks excellent, so looking to go that way for new build rather than RFD900’s which are working well.

We have good/full wifi coverage where we are mowing, and looking for recommendations for hardware to connect it all together. We are not space/weight/power constrained (love rovers!) but would like an external wifi antenna(s) - so sma connectors.

We have Zealot H7 which will do PPP with flow control but no ethernet port.

Would love to find a wifi router with a uart for OpenWRT or DDWRT. Any pointers welcome.

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this is close. A bit spendy, but lacking wifi and PPP

Waiting one to test my self but i think it can also take an ESP to add wifi support.


perfect …
this + a PPP to Eth adapter would be mostly there. :slight_smile:

This looks interesting - way too smart for my liking. 4K video on a router is wrong. Docker also.
Cheap, 4 ethernet ports. OpenWRT :slight_smile: which supports PPP but more checking needed using USB
Wifi6 with external connectors, and looks like a 7w power draw on a 12v supply.



  • googling around shows this unit to be bit of an adventure software wise.
  • Chinese port of OpenWRT with lots of bugs and no support
  • Great OpenWRT community effort to support this unit - but still issues
  • Weak Wifi strength - 3db meaning short range only (maybe not confirmed)
  • The hardware is superb, fast. The software is meh
    New Version is available LinkStar-H68K-1432 V2 Few reviews available

…and further down the rabbit hole.
finding a wifi router with a serial/uart/usb port and an os (OpenWRT or RouterOS etc) that supports PPP is not so easy.

Better to get Ethernet out of the the flight controller or at least ESP32 doing PPP to Ethernet/TCP. Looks like Espressif have already done all/most of this with ESP-IoT-Bridge.

maybe running on a lilygo ESP32 with Ethernet ?

Question - Andrew Tridgel teased an ESP32 solution for ppp → Ethernet. Any pointers most appreciated !!

Question 2 - Anyone looked into ESP-IoT-Bridge ? It looks the part, but its well hidden and not easy to find much about it. The code and some doco is here

and the Ethernet ↔ USB solution being here

I have a ESP32 serial bridge with a wireshark vpn client, its only a prototype but it was for controlling serial devices over LTE on my rover without forwarding ports. I just connect it to the phone hotspot on the rover that im using for andruav and I can access it like it was on my local network. I have a ESP32 ethernet board I was planning on getting working but I haven’t got around to it yet.

this works as a proof of concept but I havent got around to error handling like auto reconnect.