Why copter max speed is 10m/s?

I am using sitl copter for trying auto mode. WPNAV_SPEED is 2000 so it must fly with 20m/s. But it’s can’t fly faster than 10m/s. İs there any speed paramater?

It will fly as fast as ANGLE_MAX and stability will allow. Update to Arducopter V4.2.0-Dev (Latest) as there are some improvements there related to this. It’s the Developer version so at your risk.

Submit log to analyze what is limiting your speed. Could be angle, could be motor power, could be something else…

Is this issue resolved? I am also facing the same problem. I am using Arducopter V4.2.0-Dev version. Please guide me if you have a solution.

There is no issue. Post a link to a flight log.