Which SERIAL corresponds to Matek H743 Tx4 pad please?

Hi Allen, I have been using Yaapu telemetry for several years, selecting page 2 for boot up is very helpful, it displays all the boot up text as it comes in from the AP. No need for a laptop with Mission planner for flying. I also use Yaapu Ground Control under System for changing parameters. I fly with a Frsky Horus radio with a color screen running EdgeTX, very nice display. Yaapu also works on my Frsky X20 running ETHOS. I have 3 MATEK 743 wings and 4 Mro APs working well with Yaapu. I use either a Frsky Archer RS or a R9MM receiver and wire the Sport pin to TX6 on the Wing board. The parameters I use are

In the radio set the receiver to Fport under Options.
After discovering sensors in telemetry in EdgeTx only 4 show up, don’t worry about that. All the sensor data comes into Yaapu. Yapuu has a setup config under the System selection, scroll down till you see Yaapu config, many options there to use and or setup.

Thanks for that data Greg. I’ll give it another go tomorrow using your parameters.

BTW, it might be easier for me if I use my bare frame TRex 500 to experiment on, because I can access the receiver and FC easily. Its FC is an mRo R15 minipix, so what connection should I use for the Rx data with that? Its receiver is also an RX6R.

Sorry, I’m not familiar with the Mro minipix, I have several of the X2.1’s

I think you mean the PixRacer, in which case SERIAL4 appears to be the correct choice.

Pixracer — Copter documentation (ardupilot.org)

You’re right, that’s the one. Thank you.

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We’re getting somewhere! I’ve just used ‘your’ parameters for SERIAL6 and I’ve now got GPS location when I discover new sensors, in addition to the six parameters I’ve always had from my FrSky Rx and sensor. Thank you Greg.

Glad you got it working

Allan, you really ought to install the Yaapu script on that radio. I know you fear big change on otherwise working equipment, but, worst case, the script doesn’t catch any data, but the radio will still bind and fly just fine. You’re missing out on a wealth of data that I’m sure you’d find useful.

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And when you do you will have to change the protocol back to 10.

Yes, thanks. Now that I know I’ve got a data connection between Aruducopter and my Tx, I’ll be continuing with Yaapu. I just wanted to validate that bit before going any further.

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  • Can you send me a copy of your parameters? Thank you, friend.Im Frsky x20s

Sorry, I’m away from home for a while, so don’t have access to my data at the moment.

What parameters in particular are you interested in?

My h743wing_r9slim + fw1.3.2 access FPORT—TX6 * Only GPS telemetry and basic 4
brd_alt_config =0




My Yaapu telemetry setup
Radio- FrSky X10S Express, EdgeTX v2.8.1, Yaapu Telemetry Widget 2.0.0 beta1
Receiver- FrSky Archer RS, fw access 2.1.10.frsk
FC- MATEK H743 wing V2
Connect the receiver Sport pin/wire to TX6 on the Wing board.
Using the radio, set the receiver to Fport under Options.
Ardupilot parameters


I’ll try! Thank you friends!

My h743wing_r9slim + fw1.3.2 access FPORT—TX6 * Only GPS telemetry and basic 4
brd_alt_config =0 * Does this need to be set up?

BRD_ALT_CONFIG is set to 0 on mine

H743wing2300701R9SLIM+access.param (26.7 KB)

  • I’m using your Settings and I still can’t get any extra telemetry * I’m going back to that number now. Don’t know what the problem is

Hi all,
Been reading through this thread and others about getting telemetry back to my old X9D radio. Tried all settings and still nothing. I havent bothered yet with yaapu as I think it should pick up at least one additional sensor if its working. Its a RX6R rx on a H743 v3 connected as in pic.
Do I need a full FC reset after SERIALx_ changes? I think the TX/RX6 is serial 7?
Would be very happy to get this working (and ESC telem but thats another story). Also Im in the market for a new TX. Perhaps the X18 tandem?

2 after airspeed working 6A 6S.param (20.5 KB)