Which one is the correct way to calibrate compass?

I’m now calibrating my hexacopter’s compass

My FC is Pixhawk Cube.

I found “Live Calibration” button is missing
(I calibrated APM clone’s compass with live cali)

and found out I have to do “Onboard Mag Cali”

I found only one calibration method in youtube.


and find out that it is different from Ardupilot.org


which one is the correct way?

I followed Ardupilot.org and it fails…

and in Ardupilot.org there are no mention about entering onboard cali.

in youtube, there are easy way to turn on onboard mag cali

but not in ardupilot.org

and “live calibration” method is the same.
If I follows Ardupilot.org insturction, calibration continously fails…

by the way I’m always adore Ardupilot Team and enjoying flight with Pixhawk.

in ardupilot.org

the sequence is
Level/Left Side/Right Side/Nose down/Nose up/Back

but every time doing Nose up, the buzzer rings… it fails.

why do it happen?

Are you mixing up compass and accelerometer calibration?


I think it is weird too.


look here…

the picture describes how to cali compass is exatly same with Accel cali.

I have the same problem the live calib button is missing after an update to MissionPlanner-1.3.46.
The update made a NET framework update necesarry. Since this day the button is gone. The button is also missing when I use an older version of Mission Planner.
Now I have to use my old computer to make the mag calibration.
Is this a known problem?

As i recall the live calibration is no longer recommended.
I recall reading somewhere around here, that the on-board calibration is the way to go because of the better results.
However i’m struggling with the onboard calibration too