Where would I change vectored thrust mixing in the source code?

Scripting is a great way to do such things as this, you can use a servo override with a short time out and run the script at 10hz or something.


you could set it up on a RC switch, speed threshold, throttle threshold, whatever.

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Thank you Peter. I have used scriptiing before and yes your suggestion should work. I will use it as an interim solution,

However, as a general feature it would be interesting for ArduPlane to accept a mask for which motors should remain active or shut down in horizonal mode. There could be interest in thisā€¦ I will see if I can figure it out and share it with the community.

Best regards

This is what the TILT_MASK should be, I think the issue you have is you would prefer the stowed position to be forwards not up?

Yes, I guess this is a way to think about it, but it may lead to confusion.

TĆ“ calrify my thoughts, I am thinking about having a separate mask from TILT_MASK. We may call it FW_PROPULSION_MASK which communicates which rotors will be active during Fixed Wing flight after they take their forwards positions.

Thanks Peter,

Just implemented the script which triggers the motors shut off when the tilt servo PWM value are within the desired threshold.



are there any changes in new firmware for this function