Before, one could pause a mission,(land/change battery) and then resume it - resuming on the correct transect.
What happened? - is this functionality removed ?
Before, one could pause a mission,(land/change battery) and then resume it - resuming on the correct transect.
What happened? - is this functionality removed ?
No. It’s still there it’s a slightly different from before as to where the ui is. But it should all pop up automatically. The UI is trigged by disarming after you bailed out of the middle of a mission. If you can put details into an issue I can look to see if there is a problem.
Please reproduced issue at:
I would also expect the camera trigging to be stopped/paused when flying away (even if that can be achieved by only trigging in “auto” mode.)
I did a land/ (disarm), and reboot to simulate battery change, mission was not resumed.
QGC is not in control of that. It would require firmware support to do something like that.
It’s a bug. Working on a fix
Good to see you confirmed the bug
“I would also expect the camera trigging to be stopped/paused when flying away” I do not suggest anything that needs firmware support.
Simply put: “if while flying a mission and CAM_TRIGG_DIST: >0 , user select another mode” - then set parameter: CAM_TRIGG_DIST=0
Or, right in mission settings, offer to set CAM_AUTO_ONLY = 1 . (this scenario is basically the reason why I made that option.)
I have no idea what CAM_AUTO_ONLY is? Can you explain?
That has been considered in the past but it causes as many problems as it fixes. For example you might want to Pause and then Continue a mission. This will take the vehicle out of Mission flight mode. If the ground station stops the camera based on flight mode change then the rest of the mission will be incorrect since the camera is no longer doing what is was supposed to. Same problem happens if you temporarily lose comms, go into failsafe and then reposition telemetry antennas, get back comms and you wan to keep with the rest of the mission. Having the ground station try to handle these cases makes a mess of things. In order to to this correctly the firmware really needs to have the smarts in it to understand what is going on within the mission and act appropriately. When you try to make the ground station too smart you tend to get into trouble.
The Resume Misison bug fix should be available in daily builds now. Can you give it a try?
Fix confirmed, it works “as expected”
To complete it, you should consider taking advantage of CAM_AUTO_ONLY and set CAM_TRIG_DIST before next flight.
CAM_AUTO_ONLY = 1 means CAM_TRIG_DIST will trig camera only if mode == AUTO.
Today’s default config gives user this:
-while flying a survey, user clicks RTL or changes mode to change battery or go to holding position due to traffic.(more common on bigger planes):
-bad : (the camera continues to trigger every x meters for RTL or in holding until stopped.)
-bad: after user has landed, replaced battery, and CAM_TRIG_DIST >0 is till on next takeoff the flight to resume mission will start with photos on the transport section.
If you offer control over CAM_AUTO_ONLY on Survey, and default it to True, and then you set CAM_TRIG_DIST = 0 after landing/disarm you get this:
-while flying a survey, user clicks RTL or changes mode to change battery or go to holding position due to traffic.(more common on bigger planes):
-good: (the camera stops shooting photos because MODE != AUTO , so no garbage photos of holding pattern or landing)
-good: after user has landed, replaced battery , since you have set CAM_TRIG_DIST >0 no useless takeoff/transport photos will be taken before the first waypoint.
I thought you were talking about an already supported thing with CAM_AUTO_ONLY. To make this sort of thing work it requires firmware support. You just can’t control things at that level from the ground station side. I am not arguing against this being a nice feature. I’m just saying QGC can’t implement it by itself. It requires new firmware support.
What I described in previous post, does not require any firmware change. It is all there already.:
“If you offer control over CAM_AUTO_ONLY on Survey, and default it to True, and then you set CAM_TRIG_DIST = 0 after landing/disarm you get this:”
^ That can be done by QGC, and does not require any firmware support. It is only about adding some GUI for this parameter in the mission, and setting this parameter on disarm.