Where can I find MavLink messages code #166

I have just started to build a concept test program to build a companion computer to may quadcopter.

My arducopter version is 3.3 and a build a small program on a Arduino Nano to communicate with my pixhawk through serial4.

I can read the Heartbeat msg
I can send a parameter request messages and get the answer and decode it, but I also get a msgID = 166.

I can’t find it’s meaning in this doc https://pixhawk.ethz.ch/mavlink/#HEARTBEAT.

Is there another message list or I am miss interpreting the info I get ?

the code that prints the msg code is

Here it is : https://github.com/mavlink/c_library/blob/master/ardupilotmega/mavlink_msg_radio.h
or here : https://github.com/ArduPilot/mavlink/blob/master/message_definitions/v1.0/ardupilotmega.xml#L1211

Thanks khancyr,

It was a great help.
If I understand it right, it is an unrelated message to my parameter request message.

Although I have disabled all broadcast messages in this serial (all SR3_* parameters = 0) still getting some…

Hello Pedro. I am a student and am trying to build a Line following autonomous Quad.
i know this is a noob question but What software or GUI are you using?
Is it MAVLink generator?
I tried using MAVLink generator, I am using windows 8.1,I generated the header files successfully and copied it to the Arduino’s libraries but i don’t see any GUI.
How exactly can i monitor a response from Pixhawk?
Assuming i start by sending a Heartbeat code should i use mission planner or is there some problem with my installation that i am not able to see the GUI?