Where can I find information on the new log format with multiple ID's`

I see there are new options for multiple id’s - how to decode/understand those?

2022-02-03 14:44:20.42: FMT {Type : 162, Length : 54, Name : IMU, Format : QBffffffIIfBBHH, Columns : TimeUS,I,GyrX,GyrY,GyrZ,AccX,AccY,AccZ,EG,EA,T,GH,AH,GHz,AHz}
2022-02-03 14:42:47.08: FMTU {TimeUS : 20654076, FmtType : 162, UnitIds : s#EEEooo–O–zz, MultIds : F-000000-----00}

Multiple IDS are marked with the # Symbol. What else do you need?

@amilcarlucas not much, really - thank you. This was a rather early request when trying to get AP2 log graphing to handle this…