I have ARSPD_USE = 1 When flying upwind why does it increase airspeed in an effort to keep a minimum groundspeed? When downwind it flies my set 12ms airspeed but upwind it seems to use 12ms as groundspeed.
Is this what FLIGHT_OPTIONS ‘Force target airspeed to trim airspeed’ is for? Is there another parameter for this?
Pic is grid pattern into wind and downwind legs.
If you have set MIN_GNDSPD_CM, it is used in preference to TRIM_ARSPD_CM.
Yes thats the one, thanks.
It was set to 12ms, same as my trim airspeed. I dont remember doing that. Perhaps it defaults to trim airpeed?
The default value appears to be 0. According to the code, this value is used only when MIN_GNDSPD_CM>0.
Something strange going on. I checked my parameters for yesterdays flight and that value was 1200.
This morning I connect in order to change it and its already 0. Very odd. I didnt know about that parameter until you said.
Command MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED may also set MIN_GNDSPD_CM. Didn’t you use it?
If you set it with the command, it is not saved, so it may be back to the default value later as you said.