Background: MR has flown more than once and everything works very well.
There were already flights in difficult magnetic conditions, but after take-off there was always a message that there was a missaligment 10-20 deg but it fly without problems, only on RTH, the azimuth was changed by mentioned degrees.
Synopsis: MR was launched on highly reinforced concrete with railroad tracks and other steel structures (tragic place - I know). During IMU warming up and system check, MR does not report any anomalies. Loiter and takeoff. When hower it starts “toilet bowl” and after 3-5 seconds, MR tries to escape and accelerates by deepening the tilt. AltHold and safe landing.
There were already flights in difficult magnetic conditions, but after take-off there was always a message that there was a missaligment 10-20 deg but it fly without problem, only on RTH, the azimuth was changed by these degrees.
Question 1: what would happen if it was an AUTO mission, would the MR finally get caught up and at least land safely?
Question 2: Are there any parameter settings that will somehow remedy the situation?
Question 3: If it is possible to calibrate the compass in flight, could it be possible to create a procedure that secures such cases in AUTO flights where the operator can be BVLOS