What Sensors are in the Pixhawk 2.1 cube? ICM20948


I’ve been doing some searching, as I need an IMU that uses the ICM20948 chip specifically, and found only one website that says the Pixhawk 2.1 cube has the “InvenSense MPU9250, ICM20948 and/or ICM20648”

Does anyone know for certain what chips are in the cube? I know there are three redundant sensors, maybe all three?


I found these specifications in the following link: https://www.foxtechfpv.com/pixhawk-2-1-standard-set-with-here-2-gnss.html

Another flight controller with excellent specifications is as follows: https://store.mrobotics.io/mRo-Control-Zero-F7-p/mro-ctrl-zero-f7.htm

Both controllers include ICM20948.

Thanks for the links. Looks like the Here 2 GPS definitely has it which should work for me!

And that new mRo looks awesome, just the job this is going in can’t wait for preorder. Probably going to get one anyway.

I will definitely buy a Control Zero F7 when it is available.