What parameter can i read out to get the current desired mission trim speed ("DO_SPEED_CHANGE")?


i am having trouble with one of my first LUA scripts.
I want to have my aircraft in Soar mode on my Waypoint mission with a desired and sometimes changing trim speed according to my planned mission.
Basically i want to get the last speed that was given by my Mission (“DO_SPEED_CHANGE”) and copy it to the “SOAR_CRSE_ARSPD” parameter.

I read in the help that the Mission command (“DO_SPEED_CHANGE”) should change the parameter “AIRSPEED_CRUISE”. (Mission Commands — Plane documentation)
I am currently using stable plane 4.4, so i guess this parameter is still the old one: “TRIM_ARSPD_CM”. (AP_Scripting: convert remaining uses of TRIM_ARSPD_CM to AIRSPEED_CRUISE · ArduPilot/ardupilot@00eeac0 · GitHub)
Unfortunately this parameter (“TRIM_ARSPD_CM”) is not changing during the mission. My LUA script reports this and i double checked with MP.
Is this functionality to update “TRIM_ARSPD_CM” deactivated with the Soaring mode? Or is there no LUA binding in 4.4? or was “TRIM_ARSPD_CM” not changed by the “DO_SPEED_CHANGE” command?

My next steps are:

  • Test the current beta version
  • Test without Soar enabled
  • Hardcode the desired speed in the LUA script

but maybe somebody knows and can help me speed this up?


According to the GCS messages i get, it looks to me that my script is working as i want it. Unfortunately the input variable (“TRIM_ARSPD_CM”) never changes during the mission.

Similar script that reads out AIRSPEED_CRUISE:

Just FYI:

-- copy speed values from current mission "vehicle:set_desired_speed " to ardusoar parameter SOAR_CRSE_ARSPD

gcs:send_text(6, string.format('LUA: started ardusoar_planned_speed script'))
local SOAR_CRSE_ARSPD = Parameter()      --creates a parameter object
SOAR_CRSE_ARSPD:init('SOAR_CRSE_ARSPD')       --get the physical location in parameters memory area so no future name search is done
local soar_crse_arspd_parameter = SOAR_CRSE_ARSPD:get()  --retrieve that parameters value and assign to "soar_crse_arspd_parameter"

local AIRSPEED_CRUISE = Parameter()      --creates a parameter object
AIRSPEED_CRUISE:init('TRIM_ARSPD_CM')       --get the physical location in parameters memory area so no future name search is done
local AIRSPEED_CRUISE_parameter = AIRSPEED_CRUISE:get()  --retrieve that parameters value and assign to "AIRSPEED_CRUISE_parameter"

function update () -- periodic function that will be called
    -- gcs:send_text(6, string.format('LUA: update()'))
    flightmode = vehicle:get_mode()
    -- gcs:send_text(6, string.format('LUA: flightmode = %i', flightmode))
    if flightmode == 10 then --only do something if AUTO mode is active
        -- gcs:send_text(6, string.format('LUA: AUTO detected'))
        local soar_crse_arspd_parameter = SOAR_CRSE_ARSPD:get()  --retrieve that parameters value and assign to "SOAR_CRSE_ARSPD"
        local AIRSPEED_CRUISE_parameter = AIRSPEED_CRUISE:get() / 100  --retrieve that parameters value and assign to "SOAR_CRSE_ARSPD"
        -- AIRSPEED_CRUISE_parameter = param:get('AIRSPEED_CRUISE')

        if soar_crse_arspd_parameter then
            gcs:send_text(6, string.format('LUA: soar_crse_arspd_parameter = %i', soar_crse_arspd_parameter))
            if AIRSPEED_CRUISE_parameter then
                gcs:send_text(6, string.format('LUA: AIRSPEED_CRUISE_parameter = %i', AIRSPEED_CRUISE_parameter))
                if AIRSPEED_CRUISE_parameter ~= soar_crse_arspd_parameter then -- if update of soar cruise speed is needed
                    gcs:send_text(6, string.format('LUA: parameters are different'))
                    gcs:send_text(6, string.format('LUA: set SOAR_CRSE_ARSPD to: %i', AIRSPEED_CRUISE_parameter))




    return update, 1000 -- request "update" to be rerun again 1000 milliseconds (1 second) from now

return update, 1000   -- request "update" to be the first time 1000 milliseconds (1 second) after script is loaded

I tried the latest beta version and i tried with disabled SOAR mode on the ground, but with both the “AIRSPEED_CRUISE” parameter did not change during an AUTO mission.

I looked at the Plane code and found that the internal variable that is changed by the “DO_CHANGE_SPEED” command is “new_airspeed_cm” that is then written into “target_airspeed_cm”.

I now try to find a way to read this from LUA, but has anybody got a hint if this is already implemented?

I found a way around it by changing the C++ code. It works great but i would still prefer a LUA solution so that i don’t have to recompile with every version update.

The question is:
How can i read the “new_airspeed_cm” or “target_airspeed_cm” values into LUA.

I guess the answer is: you have to create a new binding.