What is this bar on the HUD?

Sometimes when opening Mission Planner there is a new bar on the HUD I’ve never seen before.
Could someone explain what is it for?



it is angle of attack, and only shows if it gets valid data. ie plane etc.

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Hello, please can you describe a little more about this bar, as you mentioned this is only for planes. When this appears? what do you mean by angle of attack? thank you!

Finding out about this has been on my “to-do” list for some time.

I get this indication from time to time when connecting my fixed-wing to Mission Planner on the ground. I don’t have a telemetry link for Mission Planner for displaying the HUD when in flight.

I’m curious how Mission Planner synthetizes the data used for this display. As my fixed wing doesn’t have an APA sensor like this:


If a synthesis was done by using airplane pitch and changes in altitude, it seems to me that angle of attack of the fuselage could be determined. But of course that’s not at all the same as the angle of attack of the wing.

A cardinal rule in aviation is that an airplane can stall at any airspeed, attitude and any power setting - so it seems to me that this display should be properly understood if it is to be observed.

Could you please shed some light on this?
