What is the expected behavior in GUIDED and AUTO when encountering a GPS Glitch?

I’m trying to debug a problem we’re having, and I wonder if anybody knows what is the expected behavior when the copter is in GUIDED mode going to a target position and a GPS Glitch occurs (and then it clears)? Is the copter staying put while the GPS Glitch is active and resumes when it clears or continues to stay put after the glitch clears? (I guess that there are other options too). Is the same in AUTO mode? I tried to look at the GUIDED code but I didn’t see it handling a GPS Glitch - the answer must be buried at a lower level.


Hi @Mihai,

It will keep moving during the glitch. If the position estimate moves once the GPS recovers then you’ll likely see the vehicle’s veer suddenly back to the path between the origin and destination.

The behaviour should be the same in Guided an Auto mode.

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Thank you Randy! “Something” messed up my mission last week and I was hoping to be able to blame a GPS Glitch, but what you say makes sense and points to the need to find other culprits!

Thanks again!

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The copter will not fly further in Auto mode after GPS failure! Don’t listen to armchair experts. The copter will immediately enter Land mode and will not exit it until you switch the flight mode.

Huh? Do you know who you’re talking about?

If you lose GPS for an extended period of time (25 seconds I think) and you’re in Guided mode, you’ll get and EKF failsafe (because the EKF can no longer safely estimate the drone’s position) and then sure, the drone will automatically descend and land.

But a simple GPS Glitch will not cancel Guided flight.

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No need to guess, read the docs:

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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