What is the difference between Pixhawk 4 and Pixhawk 6C?

Please can you tell the differences between Pixhawk 4 and 6C flight controllers? I am thinking to buy Pixhawk 4. Is there any major flaws in Pixhawk 4? Please tell…

Pixhawk 4 has a STM32F765, Pixhawk 6C has a STM32H743. The Pixhawk 6C is overall newer and has newer components but in terms of functionality there is virtually no difference.

The biggest downside of the Pixhawk 4 is its price.

I recommend to get something like this or this. They don’t have the shiny body and require a bit of soldering but I guess that’s okay for 20k₹ less than the Pixhawk 4.


Yes, but that soldering is one of my biggest issues…
I don’t have any practice of soldering and I can only solder quite thick wires(just like the wires of esc to Power distribution board). That’s because I took apm 2.8, because it requires no soldering, and now, when I look at some more advanced flight controllers, they require soldering.
And also, this time, after spending tonnes of Rupees, I want a nearly automatic FC. That’s when I decided to have Pixhawk 4 as my new friend.
BTW, I have requested holybro to remanufacture Pixhawk 4 for me.

If no soldering is indeed a requirement, then Pixhawk 4 is a good choice :+1:t2:

Thanks to all of you people for your friendly and nice suggestions!

If I look to Holybro page the price range for the Pixhawk 4 and Pixhawk 6C was nearly the same but Pixhawk 4 is now sold out.
Yes they offer to built these modules also on request but I think this will be not really cheaper and again you get something after the end of support.
This is the same as with your old APM 2.8. The FC was a good one at its time and it is working well as long as it works. But only if you don’t need special changes or support.

So, If such is the case, then suggest me a Flight controller with really high quality sensors and is in the price range of Pixhawk 4 and does not require any type of soldering in it…
And also, apm 2.8 has its hardware many years old! But Pixhawk 4’s hardware is way better than apm 2.8 and it also supports latest firmware as it has 2MB flash and 512KB RAM. So what’s the problem in it? Also, Pixhawk 4 will become old and will be discontinued, but this time will come years later… And, for me, it has all the facilities that I want in my UAV.

As I wrote before the Holybro Pixhawk 6C specially the 6c mini cost on Holybro page the same as the old price of the Holybro Pixhawk 4. I still don’t think that Holybro don’t will lower the price for a extra single production.
The Pixhawk 6C is a successor of the Pixhawk 4. Both don’t require any type of soldering.
The main difference is the main controller itself The stm32F7 on Pixhawk 4 is the older version and running with lower speed as the momentary state of art stm32H7 controller.
These controllers need different porting of the software to the controller specifics. And the further SW development is always going to the more state of the art products and as sometime is stopping support of old types.
So to be future proof it is better to use the best up to date solution as the one before.
But if you only will use the FC after initial setup without any further updates and changes you can use what is available today and is the cheapest you can find.
But look to your problem with the APM 2.8. This FC was doing all what you want but now you have a problem and it seems to be little problematic to solve it. And same can happen again in maybe one or two years with an to day not up to date FC.
As I am also wrote in your first thread I am not sure that your APM 2.8 is dead or your barometer is dead. You still not started to analyse the problem. I still think all information about the APM 2.8, its settings and its SW is somewhere available.
But all delevopers never stand still and they are still bringing more features and optimized features to the systems. By this they are working always on the platforms actual at that time and not on all old platforms.
Therefore specially in SW related products it is not the best idea to stick on old HW

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This has got to be one of the silliest things I’ve read here yet. You claim you have a hard time getting competitively priced hardware and yet are asking a company to retool a dead production line for a single discontinued board???

There are countless good recommendations already in this thread. That is not one of them.


Yes, I understand that, but as a person, with not that PRO knowledge in UAVs, any flight controller that is an upgrade to apm 2.8 and does not require soldering seems good to me.
So please tell about those ‘many’ flight controllers in this thread. Because Pixhawk 4 with GPS and Power module is overall cheaper than Pixhawk 6C mini, and best for me.
Actually, I made my mind to buy Pixhawk 4 after some savings but now you are trying to give the names of some other FCs. Then please tell.

Anything by Holybro, mRobotics, CubePilot, QioTek, or CUAV will work well. All of them make easily wired variants. Recommend one with an H743 or H757 processor.

There’s absolutely zero need to ask a manufacturer to retool a dead production line for an outdated unit (nor expect they’d do so at or below previous retail cost).


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Hi Yuri, I think he is going on this statement on the Holybro Homepage

Product has discontinued. It has been replaced by the Pixhawk 6C However, it is possible that we can still manufacture this if requested.

So I hope, he get an answer from Holybro matching with his thoughts.
And I hope he will present this answer here so all can learn.

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With both FC Pixhawk 4 or Pixhawk 6c mini can be the same GPS and the same Power Module used, So this is not relevant. The last price stated on the Holybro shop for the pure Pixhawk 4 was $186. For the Pixhawk 6c mini it is $191,99.
Ok, you are right the Pixhawk was about 3.2% cheaper. My fault

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1=> Actually, for people earning in dollars, it’s just some dollars cheap, but for me here in India, it’s cheaper for me by several Hundreds. That’s the reason why I want a cheap FC with good sensors. Even 1 Dollar means 83 Rupees to me! And Just! Just! 100$ is 8 thousand 3 Hundred Rupees for me! Which is a considerable amount. Also, I will have to pay 53$ shipping charges for it, which is 4400Rs.
Therefore, even Pixhawk 4 is quite costly for me, nearly 25000Rs!!!

2=> Yes I have requested holybro to re make Pixhawk 4. They have sent an email to me, where they told about how much quantity I require. Then came another email that they have resumed the production of Pixhawk 4 and it will be reflected on website within a month or so…

Ok, if Holybro starts production of Pixhawk again in general it might be a case. But than let us wait on the price and I assume it will be not much lower as before. The price for commercial production on a factory line is moreless proportional on the quantity produced.
And still 3.2% are in US, Europe or India still 3.2%.
So if you really want to save money try to do as much as possible by your own. So try to learn soldering of small wires. Just soldering small wires not soldering of SMD components are needed for cheaper FC like Matek or HolyBro Kakute with nearly same technologie as Pixhawk 6c mini

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Recently, another email came to me that they only offer some discount on quantity 10 and above. Currently, they will be giving me at previous price only.
Also, I want to ask that Pixhawk 2.4.8 supports the latest firmware version?? Or Is it like apm 2.8? Any reviews about Pixhawk 2.4.8 FC??

Do not buy it. It is F4 based. You need F7 or H7

Can You please tell me what is this F7 H7 F4 H4 all that? And why are they named like that?

Those are STM32 processor familiy names.
