What is MAG2?

Hi guys,

Going through my logs trying to solve a compass issue. I have the 3DR external gps/compass, so I have both MAG and MAG2. Which is which?

One of mine is having interference issues. I assume it’s the internal one, but not positive.


I thought that there is an internal mag in the Pixhawk which is probably Mag 1 then Mag 2 is in the GPS.

Yes, there is, but I would like to know for certain which is which.

I tried posting on drones-discuss and the message got rejected, which is awfully frustrating considering the message on the top says the following: This is a public list for discussing the inner workings and proposed changes (i.e. any changes that are not ready for submission to master), arducopter controls, mission planner UI changes, documentation, crash reports from the forums or developers, etc.

Maybe I am missing this in the documentation somewhere?

Can you just unplug your your MAG from your I2C port and then go fly. After your flight pull your logs and see which one is collecting data.